Chapter Twenty Nine • All That Matters Is Right Now

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Good evening people 👁️🫦👁️

I apologise for leaving you all on a cliffhanger last chapter 😅

Just escalating the drama

I have had a super busy week on a road trip without wifi 😭

But anyway I am back in the comforts of my own home now with every fan and AC in my vicinity turned up on full

This is the closest that I'm getting to a white Christmas this year😔

Also it's my birthday in about a week :)
So that's when I'm planning on uploading the F i n a l C h a p t e r


Without further ado

Huntlow >>>~~~~~~

Luz rested her chin on her hand glancing out the window with a sigh, as Gus joined her.

"So... how are you feeling about the Amity sitch."
Luz gave a sad shrug.
"I don't know. I do think that it is so sweet what she's doing and I would so rather her stay here with me but she has a dad. And a family that cares about her. She has a life there, a life that has been mostly spent practicing an art that is unaccomplishable here. I just think that it's a risky choice. And what will she do if we break up or something and she changes her mind and wants to return?"
"Luz we still don't know for sure that there is zero ways to keep a permanent portal open. I mean I read some studies a year ago about how if Titans were to use their own blood to make portals themselves the effect could be up to 56 times more effective-"

Gus jumped.
"Uh yeah it's something in the biology-"
"AMIT-AY!!!" Luz cried jumping up and tripping over herself as she sprinted/tumbled up the stairs.

Willow stood, frozen in shock as the words that had just fallen from Hunters lips resonated in her brain.
"I- what?"
Hunter face turned red as he inhaled strongly through his nose, reassembling all his courage with hopeful eyes.

"Willow Park... can I kiss you?"
Willows face grew red, but it was barely noticeable in the pink glow of the setting sun. She exhaled a sharp puff of air through her nose, clearing her mind.

She glanced up at Hunters patient lips, as they awaited the connection of hers, the thought of which sent shivery butterflies through her veins.

This was real. This was happening. Phillip wasn't joking Hunter actually liked her back. A smile grew on her face and she anxiously bit her bottom lip as she gave her head a small nod.

Hunter smiled and reacted immediately, but still at a smooth pace. He softly pressed his lips against Willows, feeling electricity run down his spine. He leaned in more placing his hand in her hair, while hers were rested on his shoulders.

After the sensational moment, however, the two pulled apart, both shocked by what they had just done. Unsure how to act now, Hunter collapsed onto the grass, waiting in agonising silence for a while until words began to tumble out of his mouth.

"I- Im really sorry if that was bad," he said running his hands through his hair. "I've only ever kissed Priah before and even then I wasn't really kissing her back, she was just kind of- oh Titan I should probably break up with her now, right? Oh no I should've checked her address before I left her house- wait actually Gus probably has it, otherwise how would he have made those home invasion plans- is it hot out here or is it just me-?"

"Slow down," Willow said with a chuckle, resting her hand on Hunters, causing sparks to fly. "We don't have to worry about any of that at the moment. All that matters is right now."
"Okay then. What do you you want to do right now?"
"... I don't know. What about you?"
"... I want to kiss you again."

Willow grinned happily.
"Okay then," she said, placing two fingers below his chin and pulling him closer.

"Gus!" Luz called running back into the room. "Gus your a genius me and Amity just devised this whole plan- what are you looking at?"
"Huntlow." Gus replied, not taking his eyes or face or hands off of the window which he had been staring out of for the past 10 paragraphs.

"Huntlow? What is HuntloOOOH MY JESUS CRISPY CHRIST!!!!!!! OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!" Luz squealed just as Gus jumped back from the window, tackling her and shoving a conveniently placed sock in her mouth.

"Be quiet. Your home has famously thin walls, sound travels like wildfire."
"I know I know I'm just so HAPPY F0R THEM!!!"

The next morning Willow awoke in her bed and turned her head to see Hunter smiling innocently on his foldout. She smiled as well remembering the previous evening and the kiss and how everything was perfect at last. Now all that they needed to do was go downstairs into the kitchen and act like nothing ever happened.

But she knew that even when she pretended that she didn't, Willow would always and forever love Hunter.


I'm sorry if this is super short, don't worry. The next chapter will probably have like 5000-7000 words :,)

Enjoy ur sleeps

Bonne nuit

I think that good night in French but I'm too lazy to check

Byé byé bítćhéś 👋

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