Chapter Twenty Seven • My Lucky Number

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Why hello there

Now most of you must be wondering why the f I was dead for three weeks

And my answer to that is simply


The end.

In other news, this chapter is called my lucky number solely because 27 is my lucky number. It has no relevance to the chapter or events that take place in it whatsoever.

Anyways enjoy this long awaited and much deserved chapter! 👌

At long last, the bus pulled up to its final destination. School. Students began filing off, the owl gang among them, all unsmiling faces, and determined glares. They made their way to the library, taking each step with meaning, and stopping at the door.

"Okay," V said, rubbing her hands together. "Me and Luz will have to pull up our hoods and stay hidden the whole time, so we must be careful not to cause a scene."
Everyone instinctively looked to Luz, who rolled her eyes.
"Okay okay jeez. It's not like I have any illegally owned wildlife on me right now."
Willow raised her eyebrows.
"That's what you said when you brought in the snake, and the owl, and the deer, and the bat-"
"Ok so yesterday was a bad day. Today is important. Today is life changing. I refuse to screw today up."

As Amity checked Luzs bag for illegal creatures, Gus turned to Willow.
"Are you excited?"
Willow furrowed her eyebrows.
"Yes and no."
"No? Why on human Earth would you say no?"
"Gus, do you really think that after she defeats the collector, Luz is just gonna hang around with us in the Demon Realm like before? This is the endgame battle. If we win... she stays here. And we go there. Even if Dr P dies have a way to travel between realms, I doubt Luz'll be able to use it to visit."

Gus pondered this for a moment, his ears drooping.
"You make a good point."

For the next half an hour, the owl gang scoured the shelves, reading and rereading every book title and hold list. They made lists and asked around the library. They even cried. Until finally, as they were just about to give up, Amity spotted something. A large leather book on a very high shelf, with the letter 'P'.

"OH MY TITAN I FOUND IT!" She cried, forgetting momentarily that they were in a library. Immediately, the owl gang rushed over and Amity pointed to the shelf.

"Quick, build a book mountain to climb!" Luz shouted, shoving an entire shelf of books onto the floor. V facepalmed as Luz began to assemble a towering pile.

"Luz... did you forget about being stealthy?" V whisper screamed, as everyone else began to pitch in the construction.


Everybody dropped what they were doing and slowly turned their heads to see the librarian with her hands on her hips and a livid expression painted on her face.
"What on earth do you think you're doing?"

"We uh were just trying to reach a book. U-up there." Amity said with a nervous forced chuckle.
"...Well then you're better off using the ladder." She said, motioning toward one that sat not two meters away from the book pile. Everyone glared at Luz who chuckled nervously.

"And- hang on, Luz? Lucy? Are you kidding me?"

V and Luz's shoulders drooped in defeat as the librarian pointed to the door and made her way toward the ladder.
"Oh no, miss, please, we can get it ourselves-"
Willow began but she held her finger up to her.
"I think you've proven that you're more than incapable of getting this book. Now, tell me which one?"

"The leather one with a P on the cover."
The four of them stood there, with excitement brewing in their stomachs as the librarian carefully pushed the ladder towards the book, taking her sweet time climbing each step. In fact, she seemed to really love just taking in the vibes around her, and intricately placed her frail hands on each new step. The remaining owl gangs excitement slowly faded into anxiety and then into awkward silence.

"We really could help," Gus said after a while. "I'm sure it would speed up the process-"
"Child, please," the librarian cut in. "I am 59 and thriving, you really think I need to take this much time climbing a goddamn ladder? Nah, I'm just punishing you for messing up my library. And I hope you know that you will be cleaning this all up."

The four of them all nodded in unison as she finally removed the book from the shelf. The librarian dusted off the cover, reading the title, the owl gang shaking in excitement, unable to control their patience as the librarian coughed and read out

"The Big Book Of Things Beginning With The Letter P; By Gillian Porford.' Sounds exhilarating , worth the hype for sure."

Everyone's faces dropped and their eyebrows knitted together in confusion as the librarian tucked the book under her arm and used her free hand to slide down the side of the ladder.

"Here you go, dearies. Make sure to return it within three weeks, and please, for the love of all that is holy, clean this damn mess up."

Luz and V were collected to help with the clean, and as they rearranged the books (in alphabetical order) Hunter spoke.
"Looks like we're back to square one."
Willow sighed, lifting her books onto the shelf with a huff while Gus looked around and coughed.

"Okay I know everyone is really sad and disappointed, but please tell me I am not the only one that thought that that librarian was a walking slay?"

Everyone just went silent, secretly agreeing with Gus in their heads.

"Why did you even get sent out, Luz, I thought that since V was impersonating you and taking the fall for your crimes, you'd be able to help us." Willow said, curiously.
Luz thought it over before her eyes lit up with realisation.
"Oh it was probably the pelicans-"
"Ok," Willow cut in. "Nevermind, forget I asked- HOLY MOTHER OF TITAN!"

The sudden loud noise made everyone jump, and almost summoned the librarian again .

"What what is it are you okay!?" Hunter said.

"Oh my Titan oh my days this- this is it!"
"What is it," Amity said, as Willow held up the book in her hands. It was similar to the one that the Librarian had picked up, sure, but it was different. It looked older, and the letters were shinier, and instead of 'The Big Book Of Things Beginning With The Letter P,' on it, it read

'Dr P's Extraordinary Guide To Magic & Mystery.'

Sorry if it's short
I'll try to upload more often from now on but until then

Stay healthy
Get some sleep

Like fr some of you are commenting that you stay up till five
Rest ur peepers

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