Chapter Seven • Human School

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Hunter woke up yet again at 5 am. He walked around the house to see if everyone else was still asleep, which they were.

Having finished the first and second Harry Potter books the previous day, he went on a search for the third. However, it was unsuccessful.

Apparently, the human didn't own the third one. But Hunter was not about to just continue into the fourth one without context.

He snuck into Luzs room. As he opened the door, it creaked. Hunter winced as Amity stirred in her sleeping bag. He waited a bit before tiptoeing over to the bookshelf. As he rummaged through the variety of fantasy books, he paused as he came across an interesting looking novel.

The title read The Good Witch Azura.

"Pfft." He said under his breath.
Looks like the kind of book that the human would enjoy. Not me though.

Ninety seven minutes later, Hunter closed the book, on the verge of tears. Never in his life would he have imagined words could reach him on a level such as this.

"Mildred Featherwhyle is a genius." He said quietly, as a single tear rolled down his cheek.
Hunter jumped at the sound of someone entering the living room. He spun around to see Willow. She smiled at him before heading to the kitchen, sending a warm feeling through his chest.

"Oh j-just some human author lady." Hunter said putting the book down. He too entered the kitchen, opening the fridge and looking for food.

He found a cylinder shaped tub that looked like the packaging of Dehydrated Protein Slaw, which would be his usual meal if he were back in the Emporers Coven.

However, the lid read 'yoghurt', whatever that was. He opened the draw and pulled out a spoon. Hunter took one mouthful of it and melted at the taste. His eyes lit up as he took another and another.

"Woahhh..." Willow said, placing her hand on his gloved ones. "Slow down or you'll give yourself a stomach ache."
Hunter swallowed.
"I have never eaten anything like this before!" His glittering eyes met hers and she blushed for a second. Seeing Hunter get so excited over such tiny things such as this, sent warmth to her heart.

"Well if there's any left I'm sure Mrs Noceda would let you bring some for school."
Hunter froze. He had forgotten about school.

"I uh-" he began but then stopped. Willow raised an eyebrow.
"You didn't forget did you? We still have 1 hour and 20 so don't worry. You'll have plenty of time to get ready."

Hunter looked down at his gloves, which were covering his slightly shaking hands.

"Will I—... will I be able to wear my gloves?"
Willow bit her lip.
"I think that's more of a Luz question. If you're nervous that's fine. I know it's your first day at school ever, and that can be super scary, but you don't have to worry! Because you have five awesome friends to help you out."

She flashed him a crooked grin before patting Hunter on the head and exiting the room. Hunter just stood there, as his brain recalibrated.

One hour and twenty minutes passed. By this time everyone was awake and ready, wearing their disguises. As Luz came around doing a check for witchy looking items, Hunter fidgeted anxiously hoping she wouldn't

"Yeah you're probably gonna need to take your gloves off Hunter."

Well shit.
"Can I uhh... can I not?"
Luz squinted at him.
"You could just pull your hoodie sleeves down or put your hands in your pockets if you really want to."

So that's what he did. Hesitant at first but then quicker, so that nobody could see his hands, or the hundreds of scars that covered every inch of them. It was definitely his biggest insecurity.

Finally the bus arrived and everyone jumped in, squishing together in the seat at the back. Willow, who wanted to sit next to the window, was next to Hunter. Their arms and legs were touching the entire bus ride and neither of them made eye contact. Luz and Amity sat next to each other, holding hands, while Gus sat between the couples. V had decided to sit in the two seater in front of them with her friend, Marcy.

At long last, the bus made its final stop: Human School.

"Ok everyone: when encountering middle schoolers, you need to make sure you mark all your exit points." Luz said as V gave them all a look that said 'good luck' before heading off to her friends.

Since Luz wasn't allowed in the library, she was giving Amity a tour before home room, while Gus, Hunter and Willow searched for information.

As they entered the library, the three almost passed out. There were humans galore, all reaching for books instead of using magic. None of the drawers had eyes and there were no crystal balls, just thin, shiny rectangular things called 'laptops.' (Which Gus already knew all about.)

The trio separated, Gus taking the fantasy section, Willow taking the science section, and Hunter taking on history.

As he entered, the first book he found was called 'The Tomes of the Renaissance Era.' Whatever that meant. He walked slowly, facing the shelves, scanning the title on the side of each book until suddenly he bumped into someone.

Her long black hair flew around her as she hit the floor and as her big brown eyes met Hunters, he froze.

It was Priah.

Immediately, Hunter stuffed his hands into his pocket and turned away, but it was too late. He had been recognised.

"Caleb!? You go here?"
Hunter winced before turning back around and smiling nervously.
"I—yes. As of... today. I learn stuff here. At school. Which is a place that I go to."
To be honest, Hunter was a brilliant liar. Too good, perhaps. But lying to people who were his age, or close to it, was hard for him for some reason. And Priahs judgy eyes weren't helping. Just making eye contact with her totally blew his self esteem.

"Oh your eyes are brown now?" She said, breaking the awkward silence.
"Oh yeah... yesterday those were uh— they were contacts. Obviously." He gulped, mentally facepalming. This was going horribly.

"Well then, have a nice first day, Caleb."
"You uhh— you too."

Priah winked at him before spinning around on her toes and running out of the library, her long hair billowing behind her as Hunter returned to the world of History.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed. Sorry it took so long my phone got taken away 😭

Words: 1111

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