Chapter Nineteen • The Scroll

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I got back from music camp on Friday:))

Sorry it's taken so long to upload I've been swamped in homework 😭

Every single one of my teachers set us a shit ton of work for over the weekend and then gave us more today

Exam week literally sucks 😤

Enjoy this long awaited chapter!
(Btw I'm going to start uploading more this week hOpEfuLLy 🙏 )

Hunter had just finished reading Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, (which Luz had found for him in order to get her Good Witch Azura books back) with angry tears at the back of his eyes.

Why on Titans green ass fucking island would JK what's her name introduce a whole ass character who was designed for you to hate, then love, then have him ask to adopt poor orphan boy Harry frigging Potter, only to have him whisked away by some frickety frackin scientifically incorrect griffin ass creature??

He slammed the book closed, squeezing his eyes shut, pinching the bridge of his nose, and inhaling sharply.

"Ok, ok, ok. Just go find the fourth book, and put all this drama behind you."

However Hunter never did find the Goblet of Fire, because Luz had begun her pots and pans alarm once more.


As she entered the living room, where Hunter was sitting innocently, Luz frowned and tutted.
"Hunter, hon, did you seriously get up at 5 in the freaking morning again?"

In all honesty, he actually hadn't, and was proud to shake his head to that question, lighting up Luzs eyes.

"Oh my chiLd!! You finally got some sLeeps!!! Hallelujah!"
"Oh no." Hunter said triumphantly. "I didn't wake up at 5, because I never went to sleep, haha!"

I've done it! He thought, I've beat the system.

Luz dropped her pots and pans, making such a racket that Hunter flinched violently.

"Watch it, human-"
"BED. nOw. Bedtime. Forever."
"Pfft. I'm not tired-"
"Hunter! Babes, don't take this the wrong way, because you are absolutely slaying that 'sleepy all the time' look, but your eye bags are big enough to go shopping with. So when I say bed, I mean bed. Right now."

"But school-"
"Hush. You shall go later. But for now, you catch Z's like your life depends on it."
And then suddenly Luzs expression darkened eerily.

"Because it does."

Willow reentered her room and froze at the sight of Hunter passed out on the fold out. At first she had the urge to wake him up for school, but after a while, she just left him be, snoozing innocently. Besides, one day away from Priah equaled one day closer to success, right?

Willow added the finishing touches to her human disguise, before pulling her hat over her ears and grabbing a bag. She checked the clock on the wall. It read 8:24 am, which was not bad, considering school started at 8:45.

Willow decided she would just sit out the front of the Noceda house and wait for the bus.

After about five minutes of waiting, she was joined by Gus, who had a humongous backpack strapped onto his back.

"Uhm, what are you taking to school, a dozen or so bricks?"
"I've decided to take another crack at my plan. I've seen the way Amity looks at Priah, she definitely despised her, hopefully as much as me. I'm sure she'd be more than happy to assist me in my second attempt."
"Second attempt at what- oh my sweet Titan."
Willow watched in pure disbelief as Gus opened his bag to reveal rope, duct tape, scissors, a potato sack, and a packet of tissues.

"What's the tissues for? In case you need to wipe your nose?" She said with a slight smirk.
"No it's for the chloroform." Gus said, nonchalantly, digging around in his bag looking for it, while Willow slid away from him slightly.

"Gus, hun, I think you've lost it."
"What do you mean it's right here." He said finally pulling out his bottle of chloroform.
"No-no not the chloroform, your mind."
"Really, cause I think this is the best mindset I've been in my whole life!!"

Gus placed down the chloroform, before checking that his shoelaces were done up nice and tight, because an unprepared kidnapper is an unsuccessful kidnapper.

While he tied his tiny shoes, Willow quickly and quietly took the bag, to go and empty the contents of it into the nearest trash can. However, before she could , she spotted something in the deepest depths of the can, something familiar looking. Dropping the bag to the floor, Willow reached in and grabbed the object, and as she retrieved it and brought it to the light, she could not believe her eyes. She could not believe them at all.

In her palm, in her very hand, sat a fully functioning scroll.

From the Demon Realm.

Knock knock

Who's there?

Drama ~

Oh lord not again.

get ready bc things just got interesting😈

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