Chapter Twenty Three • Okay

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Hi 👋
Yes I am uploading more often
Thank you for noticing 😌
And yes last chapter was kind of cringe

In other news, I go back to school on Tuesday 😭
End of year exams suck and I'm actually aiming to pass this year with more than C's

So I'm trying to finish this fan fic quickly.
That doesn't mean I'm cutting it short, I'm just gonna be on a time crunch.

Pray for me 🤞

Now without further ado, the aftermath


Priah beamed, grabbing Hunters hand quickly, and shoving the ring on before he could protest. Some people stopped recording to applaud them, but most didn't, just cheered in support as Priah flung her arms around Hunters neck and kissed him without warning.

Hunter would be lying if he said the whole situation wasn't terrifyingly overwhelming.

From afar, Willow watched on with a horrible twisting in her gut. Gus glanced at her nervously, afraid that she might try to jump Priah and beat the shit out of her without him.

"Hey Willow-" but before Gus could finish, Willow stood up silently and marched toward the door. White hot anger filled her throat up as she made her way to the bathroom. When she arrived, she didn't break down crying and pity herself.

Instead she pulled out the mystery scroll. It was password protected, which bothered her. So Willow punched in random codes until the scroll threatened to hex her. And that's when realisation hit her like a train.

"Oh... Titan."

After a while, the excitement in the cafeteria died down, and everyone returned to their usual lunchtime routines, with the faint hum of talk about the promposal scattered around. Many people at Priahs table moved to the floor to make enough space for her and Hunter to sit side by side comfortably. However, nothing about this ordeal was making Hunter comfortable.

People were snapping photos of him every five seconds to upload to their Snapchat stories. Half of Priahs friends had asked for his 'snap user' whatever the heck that meant, and every boy in their vicinity with even a shadow of a mullet was making jokes about Priahs song, which she passed off with playful punches , and her saying 'omg stoppppp, it's so embarrassing ahh!'

At one point Hunter excused himself to go and clear his head to figure out what the fuck was going on with him. This was not his idea of progress. If he wanted to get back to Darius he needed to work, not flirt.

Whatever he thought. After this stupid prom thing, everything can go back to normal.

Willow, exited the restrooms with a new goal in her mind. She decided she would discuss her theory about the scroll with the others once they arrived in a more secure area (such as Luzs house.)

For now, she had a new, fresh hot anger that needed to be dealt with. Willow didn't care that the bell had rung, signalling the beginning of third period. That didn't stop her from grabbing Phillip by the ear and dragging him into an empty classroom.

"OUCH!! Are you TRYING to rip off my GODDAMN EAR!?"
"I don't know! Are you trying to SET CALEB UP WITH PRIAH!? Your plan didn't work."
"Listen. My job was to give her bad proposal ideas. If you can find a worse proposal than through song, I'd be pleased to hear it."

Willow sighed squeezing the bridge of her nose with her fingers.
"Well what does this mean now? We sabotage their plans for Friday?"
"That's exactly what we do."
"Titan help us. I have a terrible feeling about this."
"Well, listen, you have math next, right? Well I do too. And so does Priah. And so does Caleb. Don't worry about it, okay? I think I have a plan that will work better than what we originally discussed."
"You think?"
"Just trust me okay!? Everything will go accordingly."

And so Phillip walked out leaving Willow full of anxiety.

Hunter entered the library five minutes before the bell. He went immediately to the history section, scanning the shelves for anything, before he bumped into a hooded figure, knocking them to the floor.

"Ah shoot, sorry- Luz?" He said confused at the sight of Luzs face, now unveiled by the fall.

"No not Luz. V."
"Oh sorry. Why do you look like your doing something extremely shady and potentially dangerous?" Hunter said, helping her up.

V sighed.
"It's nothing like that. It's just that Luz is banned from here, remember? And I wanted to do some research."
"So your telling me that  you could've just done this from the start and we all came to school for no reason?"
V sucked in her lips.

Hunter pinched the bridge of his nose as she quickly changed the subject.
"I heard the news, about you and Priah, by the way. Congratulations."
"No not congratulations. I think somethings wrong."
"How so?"
"V, I think my butterflies are dead."
V's eyes widened as she swallowed.
"—well then. What makes you think that?"
"I just— they aren't there anymore. Are they still inside of my stomach? Is that going to lead to infection or something!? Oh I can't go to a human doctor. Does this mean I'm going to die!?"
"Calm down Hunter! You're going to be fine! It just means that you don't like Priah anymore."

Hunter stopped.
"But I'm supposed to go to the dance with her."
"Well, seeing as she made such a big deal out of it, I suggest you go with her as friends, and then quietly break it off afterwards."
"Okay then. Thanks."

And then the bell went, signalling for them to leave the library.
"What do you have next?" Hunter asked, but V just shook her head.
"I think I'll spend just a little more time in here for now. Care to join me?"
A reluctant Hunter hesitantly nodded his head and assisted V's search.

Willow nervously watched as less and less people filed into the math room. So far the only people at her desk was Priah, who sat admiring her nails while giving an edited description of how her proposal went to her friends.

"I actually saw him tearing up a bit, it was so cute. And after I kissed him, he kinda moved his hands into my hair, and placed our foreheads together and whispered 'I love you.'"

The other girls around her squealed in excitement, asking her more and more questions. Willow blocked it out keeping her focus on the door that was now closed. The room was full and the teacher had begun the lesson.

"Now, when it comes to multiplying algebraic fractions, it is important to remember-"

All of a sudden, somebody kicked the door in, leaving a couple of students to let out sharp shrieks of surprise. Willows jaw dropped when her confusion flooded away and she recognised the perpetrator to be Phillip.

Phillip, who was holding a box of chocolates in one hand, and in the other, a sign.

A sign that read
'Lily, would you do me the honours of being my date to the dance?'

Hunter glanced at the clock nervously, bouncing his leg.
"V. I think it's really time that we get going."
"Go on without me. I think I've found something interesting."

And so with that, Hunter ran out the door, making a beeline for his classroom. As he ran he double checked that he had his piece of paper and pen, and the clearly untouched textbook that Luz had leant him.

At last Hunter arrived. He looked up from his books before suddenly dropping them at the sight before him.

He saw Willow, standing almost 50 or so cm away from Phillip, which was way too close for Hunters liking. And Phillip seemed to be holding something. A heart shaped box, and a sign.

It was what the sign said that sent dread to flood through Hunters body. And it was the words that came out of Willows mouth next that made everything so much worse.



Perhaps. 🤔 😈


Indeed. 😈

Hope you enjoyed the tea, and please comment what ship you want me to write a fan fic on after this one because, tbh, I have no idea 😭 and I would absolutely love to hear your   suggestions 💜

Anyways, bye 😚

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