Chapter Ten • Hunter Gets Dragged

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Before this chapter starts, I would like to give a shout-out to VariousShipPolice for going above and beyond and writing a whole ass essay about Priah in the last chapter. I'm still in shock, it was truly just 👌

Also am v sorry about this update being so late. I've been binge watching the Hobbit movies. They're surprisingly godly, go watch it on Prime.

Anyway enough advertising, time for Huntlow :DDD

Willow entered her next class, which just happened to be math. She was actually quite good at math*. Back at Hexside, before she had joined the plant track, it was her best subject.

(*I know they probably don't do math at Hexside, because it's a magic school, like Hogwarts, but a STEM education is a good education and I think that magic school should teach more than just spells. >:(=
[lol ignore me taking out 8 years of anger about Harry Potter in this paragraph])

And thanks to a kind girl, named Anna, Willow found her way to class immediately. As she entered, she spotted a chart on the whiteboard, it was covered in boxes with names in them. As the math teacher entered, a 30ish man with a beard and glasses, he rubbed his hands together and said.

"Ok class! Because we have some new students, I've decided to change up the seating plan a bit. Please find your new seat."

There was a collective groan as friends were separated and kids crowded the board, in search of their seat. The tables were singular, but placed so that there would be four side by side. Willow found her fake name in the second row, in the center group of tables, and in the third chair. On her right, she was put next to Phillip, which she was neither upset nor delighted about.

And the name to her left made her heart skip a beat. Willow had been placed next to Hunter, although the plan read Caleb. She couldn't help but grin, searching the room for him, however to no avail.

Hunter was nowhere to be seen. She spun her head around five, six times, growing more disheartened by the second. Because if Hunter wasn't there, that means she'd be sitting to the second person on her farther right.


Hunter was thoroughly confused by the statement. The amount of emotion and drama that laced Priahs voice as she had said it, made him think there was a deeper meaning to her words.

She likes me? Well of course she does. She has no reason to DISlike me.

Hunter turned back around and was astounded to see that Priah was close to tears.

Ah shoot. Making a human cry is not a very human thing to do! I have to fix this.

So he said the first thing that came to mind.

"I like you too?" He sounded unsure of himself, despite the casualty in his voice and the bored expression on his face. Hunter crossed his arms as he waited for a reaction.

Or at least he tried to. Immediately, Priah had thrown herself on him, pulling him into a tight embrace. His eyes bulged as she squeezed him, letting out a delighted laugh.

Before Hunter could even get a word in, or register what was happening, she had grabbed his hand and was dragging him down a number of stairs.

"Sorry for leading you in circles before. I guess it was worth it though right?!" Priah cried, sounding much to happy for a girl who had just been crying.

Hunter was still confused as he was yanked left then right then right again and then another left.

"And we're here!" Priah said as they arrived at the door. As soon as they did, Hunter pulled his hand away. He held it in his other as it shook slightly. He hated it when people touched his hands.

As he pulled them under his sleeves, Priah opened the door, ignoring the sudden absence of Hunters hand in hers.

As they entered, the teacher looked to them an raised an eyebrow, as if to be asking for an explanation.

Priah giggled.
"I am so sorry, Mr Norris! Caleb had a misprint on his schedule, and you know how the main office can be." She waved a dismissive hand and flashed him an innocent smile.

The teacher sighed and tapped the chart saying.
"Ok then your off the hook, just please don't let it happen again."

"Thank you sir!" Priah replied, her voice sickeningly sweet, and reached for Hunters hand again. However, he had already moved his hand away quickly, causing her to grab his wrist. She didn't mind though. She was too happy.

Priah dragged him to their seats. She got out her book, that was probably from Clair's, while Hunter got out his messy piece of paper from science and Priahs pen.

He slumped down in his chair and sighed. This lesson could not get any worse.

Just then, he felt a nudge in his right arm.
Apparently I was wrong. Hunter thought, turning and immediately eating his words (well thoughts) as he saw Willow grinning at him. He felt his cheeks glow pink as he gave her a tiny wave.

She giggled under her breath and turned back to the board. Hunter had a warm feeling in his stomach as he beamed and also turned to the board, not even focussing on the numbers written on it.

Priah looked between the two angrily but just shook it off. They were cousins after all, right?

As the bell rang at long last signalling lunch, Priah tried to grab Hunters hand, settling for his wrist again, and pulled him on yet another painful journey around the school, much to his disappointment. Hunter had wanted to spend time with Willow and turned to her for help before being yanked away.

She huffed as the pair left the room, not angry at Hunter, but at Priah. Although they hadn't met in person yet, she already kind of hated her, which was very unlike her.

Its just the way she was so manipulative towards Mr Norris. Her voice was so thickly coated in honey, she just had to be lying. And also something about her pulling my Hunter— I mean Hunter around the school like some dog is just-

Willow hadn't even noticed she was holding her pencil before she had broken it in half. She was one of the few dregs of students left, still packing up their stuff, so she quickly picked up hers and went after Hunter.

As she arrived at the locker number that had been written on the piece of paper given to her, Willow dropped all of her stuff in there. It had been fifteen minutes and she had searched everywhere for any sign of Priah or Hunter but to no avail. Willow sighed, defeated, pulling out the snack that Mrs Noceda had packed for her. An apple, a capri sun (whatever that was) and a squeezy yoghurt packet.

She smiled, blushing, remembering how cute it was that Hunter got so excited over yoghurt. (Which was something that existed in the Boiling Isles-)

The locker beside Willow banged loudly making her jump. She looked over to see that Luz had slammed into it.

"Gosh why is the floor so slippery!? Anyways how was class? I spotted you from the other side of the hallway, blushing, and just had to get the hot new tea, so spill away queen."

Luz placed one hand under her chin and the other on her hip as Willow tripped over her words.

"I- wha- firstly, what kind of human phrase was that, and secondly, I have no idea what your talking about."

Although her voice had been calm, a hundred thoughts were flying through her head, as Willow tried to act casual.

She closed her locker door, holding her paper bag containing her food as she and Luz headed out of the building and off to lunch.

Thanks for reading besties 👯
I have a music camp in a couple of weeks and won't be able to upload between the 25-28 of Aug (I think, might have to reconfirm in next chapter.) and there are no phones allowed :'(

Hope y'all have a beautiful day night arvo
Byeeeee 😘

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