Chapter Fourteen • Yoghurt

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I got sleep lol dw
My mom has taken away my allowance, however, because I kept buying Starbucks ;-; rip
But oh well
Time for tea ☕️

Willow placed her elbow on the arm of her chair and rested her chin against her hand, awaiting Hunters reply as he inhaled deeply before sighing again, stalling for time.

"Ok so uhm... I've kinda been... seeing things."
Hunters knee jumped up and down, causing the beans in the bean bag to make faint crunches each time. He paused to place his hand on it, holding it still, but seconds after he let go, it just kept bouncing.

"I Uh— I know that sounds crazy-"
"It's not crazy." Willow said comfortingly, however Hunter still avoided eye contact, keeping his eyes locked on his fidgeting fingers.

"Well— uh thanks, but it is. I know it's crazy, and that there's probably something seriously wrong with me, but whatever, it'll fix itself."

As he said it, some part of him knew that this was wishful thinking, and was curious as to what exactly was wrong with him. But the rest of him knew better than to bother others with his problems. Hunter had known that since the day he was born.

Willow frowned. The way that Hunter just dismissed his problems like it was no big deal probably meant that it was a big deal. Lillith had told her all about how the Emporers mind worked, how cunning and manipulative he was. And how little the health of a witch seemed to mean to him.

"I'm sorry. I'm keeping you from something aren't I?"

And suddenly, in that moment Willow heard how young and pained Hunter truly was. His voice was thick with the traumas of his past and it was truly concerning.

So she stood up.
"Listen to me, Hunter Fitz- Blood- Williams whatever your name is. Such trivial things as school have no matter in this moment!" She said the words with a powerful and dramatic voice, much like the one that Luz used when quoting Azura.

Hunter finally met her eyes and flashed her a sheepish grin.

"So what shall thou propose thy do onceth thou is punished?"
Willow beamed, ecstatic that she had been able to cheer him up, even if only slightly.
"Thou shalt not careth. For thou haveth a companion who shall forevermore be thous top priority. Now come on, I have a surprise."

As the two snuck past classrooms, Hunter couldn't help but ask why Willow had been holding a rope and duct tape.

"This? Oh I just confiscated it from Gus."
Hunter snorted.
"Why did Gus even have it in the first place?"
"Hah well-" and then suddenly she remembered her conversation with Gus and he cheeks flowed red.
"Oh— uh I don't know actually, heh."
"Hm. I guess he's just a strange kid."
"He's definitely original."

At last they arrived at a Home Ec classroom. The doors were unlocked and and the room was empty, so the pair just walked in.
"Why are we in here again, Captain?"
"For your surprise, silly."

And so Willow opened the fridge and Hunters jaw dropped.

There were five, maybe six tubs full of different flavoured yoghurts. Mango, peach, passion fruit, lemon cream. Hunter just looked back to Willow eyes wide.

"So this isn't— it's not stealing is it? Because that's definitely against the rules-"
She just rolled her eyes and smirked, before grabbing a tub and ripping the lid off.

"Oh— uhm okay then, I guess we're just... we're just going in."
"Uh huh!"
As Willow handed Hunter a spoon, they're fingertips touched for a split second, sending what felt almost like a shiver of electricity coursing through them. Hunter quickly took the spoon and faced the fridge as Willow spun toward the drawer, both of their mouths flat and their eyes wide.

Amity had just wanted an innocent drink of water. She'd asked permission to leave class and then scoured the building for drinking fountains. However on her journey, from the other end of a hall, she witnessed two figures who very much resembled Willow and Hunter entering an empty Home Ec classroom.

Curious, Amity decided to investigate and saw that they were stealing free yoghurt. She clicked her tongue and sighed, shaking her head.
Breaking rules on the first day of school... how in character.

Deciding that she wanted no part in their shenanigans, Amity quickly marched around the corner, making contact with something solid.

Or someone solid.

"Ouch! Watch where your going, dimwit- oh. Oh! Your uhm— Ah-Am- I wanna say Amy?"

Amity looked the girl up and down, observing her long shiny black hair, pink ballet flats, high waisted jeans and cropped tube top. She suppressed an eye roll as she realised that it was Priah.

"It's Amelia."
"Amelia! Right! And your Caleb's sister, yes?"
It was hard to keep Amity's clear dislike of this girl out of her voice. However, Priah just couldn't seem to pick up on it.

"That's so great! Y'know, because... maybe you haven't heard but... we're kinda-"
"Dating? Oh I've heard."
"Great! So no awkwardness on my part. Phew. What are you doing out of class anyways?"

"Drink. Not that it's any of your concern."
"Oh you're new right? So you wouldn't know where the fountains are?"
"I'll manage."
"Ok good because I don't really have time to show you. Plus tours are so lame. I'm out of class because some rando kid just started trying to stuff my head into a potato sack like what!? Anyways, he totally messed up my hair, that brat."

"That brat just so happens to be my girlfriends cousin."
"Girlfriend? Oh your one of those lesbian people then? Oh no don't get the wrong idea, my cousins friend came out as gay so I'm totally ok with it-"

By this point Amity had just turned and left. The audacity of this girl was just un believable. She walked right past the Home Ec room, heading back to class, deciding that she wasn't thirsty anymore.

Priah, of course, ran after her at first, but then froze. In the classroom right beside her, was Caleb. Laughing and smiling. She had never seen him do that before, so of course she pushed open the door and was met with a sight that she would rather not have seen.

..I don't even know anymore

Jokes storyline ig

Hope you enjoyed! Sorry it's late, I've had a lot of things to do. I went to 7 eleven with my friend the other day, when I still had money lmao (rip my bank acc) and we were just joking around and then she literally knocked over this whole row of food so we just ran. It was really scary at the time bc the guy behind the counter went to our school and he was a senior and just death stared us the minute we entered rip

Anyway gn lol
Don't do what I did and pull an all nighter
And if you do, apparently caffeine isn't a good substitute for sleep :,)

K bye gonna go binge greys anatomy

(I just went back and read that and it made no sense but I'm too tired so whatever lol 😀)

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