Chapter Four • Never Have I Ever

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"Wait a minute— why don't they like you? Your one of the most likeable people I know!" Luz said. V just shrugged.

"I don't understand it either! They've only gone to our school for a week and we were in a group project one time and they just interrupted everything I said and made snarky comments about me as if I wasn't right there!"

"Well that's just wrong." Willow said angrily.
"They're total jerks."
Hunter gulped as Priah squinted at him through the window.
"Uhm Luz?"
"Not now Hunter, now V, when you—"

Hunter looked back to see Priah walking towards the house.
"HUMAN!" He cried. Luz turned shocked.
He just pointed.

"Is that Priah?"
Hunter nodded and Luz groaned.
"Crud." She said closing the drapes.

"Everyone move to my room!" And so everyone ran up the stairs just as the doorbell rang.
"Just ignore it and pretend we're not home." Amity said.

However, when they arrived in Luzs room, they heard the door open and froze. The sound of Camilla talking made Luzs eyes widen.

"Mom no!" She hissed running back down the stairs. Amity, V and Gus ran after her as Hunter tried to follow, before Willow stopped him.

"Captain? What are you doing?"
"If that human recognises you, we could be in huge trouble. It's safer for you to stay up here."

"But-" Hunter tried to find a valid argument, but decided that Willows reasoning was fair.

"Ok then, Captain, what do you propose we do instead?"
Willow chuckled.
"Ok well, we could play never have I ever?"
"What is that?"
"Ok so, for example, I say, 'Never have I ever had a pet.' And you raise your hand if you have and if you haven't you don't."
"..ok that seems simple enough."
"Ok. You can ask the first question."
"Ok. Never have I ever... been abandoned in a shack at the top of a snowy mountain."
"...I—Hunter what?" Willow said, sounding shocked.

"Was that something you did in the emporers coven?"
"Yes, have you not also done that?"
"No! Hunter, these are meant to be... smaller things. You know? Like... going to the beach or building a snowwitch!"
"I've never done any of that stuff before, though."

Hunter looked down at the floor, sadly. Willow couldn't help but feel guilty. Maybe she hadn't thought this through.

"Well... I mean I guess I did have a pet." He said, after a while. Willow beamed.
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah, I had a palisman. You know, Flapjack?"
"Of course." She said with a giggle. Hunter blushed and scratched his neck.
"But I guess he's stuck in the Boiling Isles now... with that collector kid..."

Willow frowned.
"Don't worry." She said, taking his gloved hands in hers. "We're going to get back. And then, we're going to save everyone."

Hunter didn't say anything. He was too busy looking at his hands. Confused, Willow too looked down at his hands to see that she was still holding them in hers.

"Oh sorry-" she said pulling them away, but he held on.
"No it's fine." He said.
Hunter looked into Willows eyes and they just stood there for a minute, before they heard footsteps and the two swiftly separated, acting casual.

"Wow! She really doesn't like you!" Luz said exasperated. V nodded.
"I know!"
Gus sighed.
"It's a good thing that you remembered our ears last second, Amity, or we'd have gotten caught!"
"Yeah it's a good thing that Luz has a hat rack." She said, removing the fedora from her head.
"Why do you even own this?"

"It's a human necessity." Luz said placing a hand over her heart. Then everyone looked to Hunter and Willow, who were looking around the room, nervously. Willow was twiddling her thumbs, while Hunter was trying to whistle, but was failing because of his tooth gap.

"Shoot!" V cried, suddenly. "It's almost 8, I've gotta go!"
"Where?" Gus asked.
"School! It started back up two weeks ago, and I'm gonna be late!"
Luz shook her head.
"Dude you can't seriously think that you'll be going to school while we're here? What about finding a way back to the demon realm?"

"Yeah about that I think that the school library might have some answers."
"Oh! Good thinking!" Amity said as V went to get ready. When she left Gus shuddered.

"I still think it's strange having two Luzs here." Willow looked at him puzzled.
"Gus you have made illusion copies of yourself multiple times."
"I know! But they're just illusions. V is a whole person!"

Once V had left for school, Luz decided that it was time to work on outfits. All 5 of them were still wearing the same thing, and although Luzs clothes were fine, the witches needed a 21st century update.

"Ok, Amity, you're already pretty good, but right now your giving 'dark witchy vibes' and we need to seem as un-witchy as possible, so here!" She said, handing Amity a white, floral t shirt and a long pale flowy blue skirt that went to a bit below her knees, and pastel pink sandals.

"And last but not least this!"
Luz handed her an elastic head band.
"To cover your ears with. As for your eyes... yellow isn't a very common eye colour, so you can borrow some sunglasses."
Amity nodded as she went into the bathroom to change.

While Luz was choosing Willows outfit, Hunter and Gus waited in the living room patiently. Hunter decided to continue with Harry Potter, while Gus looked around bored.

After a while, he decided to start conversation.
"So Hunter..."
Hunter looked up.
"Uhm so... you know when we were fighting... Belos, and you saved me?"
"Uh...y-yeah why?" He asked, nervous at the mention of the emperor.
"Well I uh... I saw some of his memories and..."
Gus swallowed hard, making Hunter concerned. He put down his book.
"Gus are you alr-"

"You're a Grimwalker... aren't you."

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

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