Chapter Twenty Five • Not-Quite-Love

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I just found out that I failed my English exam last term 🥲👍

In other news my science teacher is a bitch who wouldn't let me leave class because my friend was outside crying

So yeah

ALSO (spoilers for season 3 ep1 of toh)





I know they were different things but stiLL

How freaky is that

So anyways
Enjoy Huntlow :)

Everyone sat in stunned silence as Willow grinned uncontrollably. Amity let out a laugh and Gus' eyes began to tear up. Hunter blushed at the sight of Willows bright smile and flashed her a sheepish thumbs up, which she returned, gleefully.

Luz sat nervously, biting her nails, while V sat, in deep concentration, with her hands in a triangular shape, placed against her lips.
"You know what Willow? I think your'e a genius." She said, grinning. Willow pumped the air with her fist as Gus wasted no time in pulling out Luz's phone and hitting play on 'celebrate good times.'

Now the only person who wasn't bouncing off the walls in excitement was Luz. Amity took immediate notice of this and rubbed Luz'z back, comfortingly.
"You ok?"
Luz nodded, still unsmiling.
"Yeah. I'm all g."
"Well your lips say otherwise. What's up."
"It's just... I'm not gonna be able to visit you once you open that portal. I mean... the one that Belos built took months and it was so unstable that it was only open for like 10 seconds. Once you walk through that door... I'm just so afraid that you won't come back."

Tears welled in Luz's eyes as Amity stared, dumbfounded that she hadn't thought of that. When she pictured going back to Hexside, she pictured her girlfriend there with her. Amity had planned her whole life out with Luz. She had pictured the dress she would wear, and the music that would play at their wedding. Amity loved Luz, and couldn't picture being with anyone else. She also couldn't picture herself dying alone.

"I-... I'll stay here then. In connect-a-cut."
Luz looked up, eyes wide and red.
"Yeah. I mean, what've I got back home? A shitty mother and her two imbecile offspring? No thanks."
"Well, you also have a DAD."
" I'd rather have a you than a dad."
Luz blushed and started laughing, cracking Amity up as well.
"Batata, you are crazy!"

That night, Hunter came and sat beside Willow on the bed, in their room. As he walked in, Willow nervously coughed into her hand.

"Hi. It's Wednesday... right?"
She nodded as Hunter lay back into the bed, with his legs dangling over. Willow followed collapsing back with a giggle.

"Oh god... I have to find something fancy to wear to the dance, don't I?"
"Don't worry," Willow said, patting Hunters head. "Your not the only one."

Hunter sighed, smiling slightly.
"Y'know if I ever pictured myself going to a dance, Priah would not be who I would picture as my date."
"Oh really? Who would you picture?" Willow asked, out of genuine curiosity. Hunter glanced at her quickly turning red.

"Oh-uh..." he panicked glancing around the room as his eyes landed on a random poster with two people and a boat on it. Hunter scanned it for names before borderline shouting out "Leonardo DiCaprio."

Willow raised an eyebrow.
"Who's that?"
Hunter almost shrugged before reading more of the poster and saying.
"Oh Y'know, he's the Titanic."
"What's the Titanic?"
"He is a boat. He is a man who transforms into a boat to save his wife from the ocean. Y'know. It's pretty popular I'm surprised Luz hasn't told you about it."
"Well it sounds very... strange."

It was silent for a while before Willow asked
"Do you even actually like Priah?"
Hunter thought about it for a second.
"My butterflies used to fly around when she was there but they kinda died."
And then Hunter realised that he could feel them again. His butterflies had been resuscitated back to life and were now acting like drunk freeloaders, dancing around in his chest and stomach.

"So you don't like her?"
"I-er- it's- it is very complicated."
"Okay. Also, why do you speak about 'butterflies in your stomach' like they're actually there." Willow said with a giggle.


" mean they're not?"
The smile vanished from her face.
"... Hunter... it's an expression."

"Have you been going around thinking that there are butterflies living inside of you?"
"... Titan damn it V... lying to my face."
Willow chuckled and Hunter gave her a crooked grin.
"Ok so, if I don't have butterflies living in my stomach, than what am I feeling?"
"It's just like... anxiety. Being nervous."
"So I can feel nervous around Priah but not love her?"
Willow blushed.

"Love... is a very strong word Hunter."
"Oh... okay. Well, changing the topic. Do you ever feel butterflies around anyone?"
"Uhmm... yes. Sometimes."
"So is it like a not-quite-love butterflies, or a nervous butterflies?"
"The- the first one."

Willows face glowed red and Hunter felt a weight drop in his stomach.
"R-really? For who?"
Willow glanced around the room, spying the Titanic poster.

Thank Titan for Camilas sense of interior design.

"Kate Winslet."
"Really? Who's that?"
"I'm fairly sure that she's in the Titanic. I think she's the ocean wife to the boat boy."
"Yeah. She hot." Willow winked convincingly, making Hunter blush.

There was then an awkward silence.

"Y'know I think we should get some rest."
"I agree."
They both said quickly.

Hunter got up and opened the door, but as soon as he did, Gus came tumbling in, with a cup pushed up to his ear.

"WoAh-" he cried as he fell. Willow and Hunter just stared at him as he scrambled for an excuse.

"Oh.. I.. wow hello, what a *haha* what a strange uh coincidence— run-running into you to in here like huh-I- whaaaat. Crazy-"

Willow just raised her eyebrows at him.
"Why am I not surprised."

A classic Gus indeed.

Thanks for the love 😭

Bye 👋

(Also me and my bestie are scrambling to make a Hecate and Azura halloween costume in the time of two weeks. She knows how to sew, so we're planning on making it all from scratch. I'm going as Azura, because I died my hair last year to look like Amity's and I still have the colour. Wish us luck 😉)


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