Chapter Twenty Eight • Can I Kiss You?

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Bonjour my bitches

Im really sorry that the gaps between theses chapters have been so extaremellyy long

I'm wrapping up school right now, my last day is on Thursday and then it's eight weeks of summer/Christmas holidays

I am so excited for the new owl house episode to come out next year but why the heck do we have to wait two whole months 😭

So anyway here is chapter 28/30

Enjoy 🥲

The bell rang out, signalling the conclusion of school, and sending Hunter on his way to meet up with the other owl gang people at the bus stop. However on his way, he bumped into a certain pick me bitch.

"Caleb!! Why haven't you been answering my caaalllsssuh." Priah said stomping her foot in false anger. Hunter raised an eyebrow.

"...I don't have a phone?"
Priahs face dropped.
"Wait you don't? Then who have I been streaking with on Snapchat!?"
"There are a number of Caleb's in the world, it's probably one of them."
"Yeah I probably should've guessed that you wouldn't try to sell me weed every waking hour."
Hunter forced out a chuckle, picking up his pace. He really really really wanted to get to Luzs house to inspect the book. However Priah proved to be her persistent self.

"So I was wondering, since we've been dating for like four days or so now, we should probably go out or something. I mean, it only took my friend Sofia two days for her boyfriend to ask her out and they don't even have the chemistry that we do."

What chemistry? Hunter thought as they reached the bus stop.

"Uhm i don't know if I'm free for a date anytime soon. There's this book I've been really looking forward to that I've kind of dedicated my whole afternoon to-"
"Caleb are you seriously saying that you would rather read a book than hang out with me? When are you going to start acting like a normal boyfriend?"

And that's when Hunter realised that this whole thing with Priah was just a total distraction. Nothing serious was going on. He was never going to have time to act like a normal boyfriend to her because he would probably be off in a different dimension before Sunday evening. Guilt filled his stomach as he coughed into his fist.

"About that..." he looked down at Priah nervously glancing into her big, brown, begging eyes.

Well shoot. I don't want to make her cry...

"...I'll take you on a date next week! How does that sound?"
Her eyes lit up and she smiled deviously.
"That sounds much better. Now come on the bus is here," she said, dragging Hunter into a two seater up the front, far away from where the rest of the owl gang sat. For the remainder of the bus ride, Priah forced Hunter to look at all the tik toks that she had saved to her favourites list until finally, she clicked off her phone and said,

"We're here."
Hunter sighed in relief standing up from his seat.
"Well this was great but I'll see you tomorrow-"
"What're you talking about silly?" Priah said, playfully ruffling Hunters beanie as he watched her confused.

"Well I have to go home-" and then he froze at the sight of the house they had stopped in front of. Hunter didn't recognise it. And then he spun his head around, noticing that the owl gang was no longer on the bus with him.

"This is my house, you goof. You want to come in?" Priah said tugging on his arm.

Hunter entered Priahs bedroom, shocked by the absolute horror of it. There were mirrors covered two of the four walls, and reflected the purple glow of her LED lights. There was a large poster over looking the big white bed. The poster had a picture of a girl on it and the name 'Addison Re' was signed on the bottom right corner. There was fluffy grey carpet and five different pairs of airforce ones and 270s in a pile in the corner of the room, along with a Taylor swift midnight rain t shirt that hung from the wall.

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