Chapter Sixteen • Australia

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It had been a long day. A very... very ... long day. Everyone was exhausted- emotionally, physically and mentally. Especially mentally.

All six members of the owl squad sat on a long, wooden bench, waiting for their bus. Plus two humans. Two annoying humans.

Priah sat next to Hunter, going on and on about 'Emily and Derek breaking up' and how 'Sasha had ended their 100 day snap streak,' while trying to stroke his hair. Eventually, he just gave up, allowing her to mess with his blonde strands, annoyingly. However, despite his extreme discomfort, Hunter had other things on his mind.

By other things, he meant Willow. After the kiss, Hunter hadn't known what to say. It wasn't exactly how he imagined it would be, and didn't understand how people enjoyed doing it so often. Of course, the first thing he had done, was turn to find Willow, but she was gone. In her place, was an angry looking woman, with her arms crossed and her shoe tapping against the tiled floors.

"Caleb? Hon? You awake?"
Hunter snapped back to reality looking to Priah with a neutral expression.
"Okay you were just off in another dimension or someth-"
"What!? Me!? In another dimension- pfft— th-that is just ridiculous, they don't even—- they don't even exist."
"Oh what? You didn't see that invasion thing in LA? It was all over twitter, some big conspiracy or something. Definitely fake though. Hollywood is always pulling stunts like that for attention. Just like my cousin, Jeff, at Christmas dinners. My uncle always says..."

And just like that, Hunter phased out again. Willow watched the two from the other side of the bench, growing angrier with each lock of hair Priah misplaced. Gus glared at her as well.

"Dammit Willow. Y'know, if you hadn't confiscated my gear, none of this would've happened."
"Gus, we are not kidnapping a human child."
"And what exactly would be the criteria needed to classify one as a 'child.'"
"I- Gus-"
"Mark my words, Willow Park, I will find a loophole! I always do!"
"No kidnapping! Of anyone! We're trying to be stealthy."
"Why do you need to be stealthy?" Asked Phillip, who had been waiting with Priah for the bus.

"Why do you need to know?" Gus said raising an eyebrow.
"It's just kinda suspicious, that's all. I mean, a group of strange, emotionally scarred kids just suddenly turn up at our school? That very sus."

"No it's not." V said, joining the conversation.
"This trip had been planned for months. Sure they say it's because they want the 'raw American school experience', but really their mom just needs some space."

"Oh yeah?" Phillip said. "So you guys really lived in Australia then. Did you ride any kangaroos?"
"Pfft." Gus said. One of the items he had bought from Edas stand a few years back had been a tour guide for Australia so he was basically an expert.

"First of all, most Australians, the smart ones at least, know better than to approach a kangaroo at all. And secondly, yes, Australia may have a million different stereotypes, but that doesn't mean all of them are true. Or any of them for that matter. I've never said nor have I been told 'g'day mate.' Once in my life. And we don't all live in the outback. My mother just so happens to own a nice suburban house just outside of Brisbane city, which just so happens to be surrounded by green grass and hundreds of other houses. So I am sorry if your knowledge of the world and what it's actually like barely exceeds the range of a teaspoon, truly. I blame the American education system, personally. It truly is an experience."

Gus ate and left no crumbs. He stood up and moved down to sit with Luz and Amity, leaving Phillip, Willow and V's jaws on the floor.

Phillip coughed.
"...well then. He's quite the uh—"
"Politician?" V said.
"Little bitch, actually, was the word I was looking for." And so he too left, and went to sit down next to Priah.

The bus arrived at long last. Kids who had gotten in before the owl squad and co had taken the four seater at the back, forcing the besties to divide. In the end, Hunter was stuck with Priah again, Gus was with V, because boy did V need an explanation. Of course Luz was with Amity, which left Willow. With Phillip.

"I'm sorry if I offended you. You seem nice." Phillip said, taking the window seat.
"Oh it's fine. Vincent can be... a bit much at times. But he is my brother."
Willow let out a chuckle before turning to catch a glance at Hunter, who was gazing sadly out the window while Priah took selfies for her ig story.

"You're not Caleb's sibling, are you?"
"No, I'm just his ... friend." The words stung for some reason.

"Good? Why is that good?"
"I know you like him."
Willows face turned red.
"See? You just proved me right."
"So what if I did?"

"Seeing him with Priah must kill you, huh?"
"... why is this any of your business again?"
"Well how about we make a deal. You see, me and Priah have been best friends since... forever. I've been to every one of her birthdays, and I was there for her when her fish died. I've been there with her her whole life and still, she has ignored my feelings for her. And now she's gone off with this blonde freak—"
"Hey, whatch your mouth-"
"I have a plan, Noceda."
Willow shut her mouth.
"What kind of a plan?"
"A plan that involves you."

Phillip looked around before leaning in and whispering.

"A plan that could drive a wedge between them for good."
Willow intertwined her fingers and placed them on her knee.

"I'm listening."

Another day, another slay.

Sorry the updates late but WE HIT 4K READS AAAHAHAHAA 😭

Tysm I live for all the support that y'all are giving this fic

I promise you that if we hit 6k reads, Hunter will break up with Priah and it will be fire 🔥

Anyways enjoy your day- I mean slay

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