Chapter Seventeen • Enchiladas

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Oh my DAYS I have been afk for a vEry long time 💀

I apologise 3000 😭 I had a shiz ton of stuff going on, my brothers fighting fish died and he decided to bury him in the backyard out of respect. The next day, we found out our dog had dug it up and ate it. Troublesome times indeed. 😔

Anyway, time for wholesome mischief in honour of 'Mayonaise'

Hunter practically ran off the bus, not waiting around to spend anymore time with Priah. The entire ride all he heard was how cringey Sofias snap story was, and how Georgia was 'sUch a piCk mE' because she wanted Nathan to be her lab partner. Hunter was sick and tired of all that drama, all he wanted to do was body slam into his mattress and drift into sleep.

But Priah was relentless. As soon as Hunters foot hit the pavement, she wrapped her arm around his, pulling him annoyingly close.

"Calebbb do you want to come over-?"
"No! I-I really cannn't." Hunter said, his voice full of fake disappointment.
She frowned and sighed.
"Okay then. My mother would freak out if she found out I had a boyfriend. My last one... wasn't so great. Was way older then his pfp. Never date on discord. Always ends in... tears..."

Priah watched, irritated, as Hunter slowly backed away before he turned and flat out ran inside.

He slammed the door shut behind him, clicking each lock and double checking them before closing the curtains and running into his room, where he ripped off his beanie and dived under the covers.

I am never going back to that place as long as I live.

"Bad day?" Willow said with a small smile, as she entered their bedroom. She was doing a stellar job at keeping her tears at bay, and pretending that Priah had never kissed him.

Hunter poked his head out and nodded. Willow came and sat on the bed beside him.
"Your hairs all messy, y'know."
"I blame Priah for that. It's a good thing I only let her play with the front of it, or she might've pulled my beanie off."
"Titan, that girl is... why she is something else."

Hunter snorted.
"Sorry I didn't mean to offend your girlfriend." Willow said stifling a laugh.
"No, no, she can be.... Well she certainly can be... alot. Like alot alot."
"So was that your first kiss ever?" Willow said, ignoring the lump that seemed to rise in her throat painfully.

Hunter sighed.
"Have you met Belos? Or Kikimora? I thought it was pretty obvious that I have never done any of this before. I'm like.... A horse on a frozen lake."

"What an... interesting simile." Willow said with a nod and a smirk.
"I'm sure Luz would be more than happy to show you some of her sappy rom com shows for tips."
"Woah. I'm not that hopeless am I?"
She couldn't suppress her laugh this time. It rang out like a bell, reaching Hunters chest and making it feel warm. He smiled and began to laugh as well.

After a while they were still in helpless fits of giggles.
"Stop— stop it— it wasn't even— even that— that funny!!" Hunter wheezed. Willow tried to calm herself down, wiping tears from her eyes, but still let out an occasional chuckle.

Seconds later, however, Luz walked past their room with a concerned look, sending the pair back into hysteria.

Hours clicked by and soon dinner rolled around.

"I made Luzs favourite, but I hope you all enjoy it as well." Camilla said, placing dinner onto the table. As the witch squad sat down confused, Luz and Vs eyes lit up.

"MAMI!!?? You made enchiladas!!??" Luz cried.
"Oh you are the best!"
"Enough chit chat, it's chow time!" V said excitedly, chomping down as Camilla smiled.
Hunter leaned his head down to sniff the strange concoction before him. It had a hint of chicken, cheese and some fancy herb. Not a bad smell at all, a good one in fact, but still dodgy, for Hunters un advanced palate.

Gus was the first to try it. He cautiously took a fork and picked some of the enchilada up with it, shovelling it into his mouth. The three remaining witchy squad members watched awaiting his reaction as Gus swallowed and stared down at his plate.

" Titan."
And so he forgot all about the fork, or any table manners for that matter. All Gus could do was gobble up the absolute delicacy before him, licking the plate and serving up seconds.

Intrigued, Amity too took a polite forkful and then Willow. Both had the same reaction, upholding just a bit more courtesy and continuing to use their cutlery. Now all that remained was Hunter who sighed.

"Here goes nothing." He mumbled shoving the forkful into his mouth. Twenty different flavours danced across his tongue as he could identify each one individually. Tears fled to his eyes as Hunter swallowed what could possibly be the only thing better than yoghurt.

And so the owl squad polished off the tray of enchiladas within minutes, everyone extremely satisfied with their first real meal in the Human Realm.

While Amity and Hunter assisted Camilla with the cleaning up, Willow wandered over to Luz.

"Hey Luz-"
"Those were the best enchiladas my mom had ever made. Ever! Even on my birthday! I don't think she'll be able to top this... who am I kidding, she's Camilla Noceda! Queens slay everyday:"

"Uhm... yes. Anyway Luz, I need to borrow your human scroll."
"My phone? What for?"
"Uhh- no reason."
Luz narrowed her eyes quizzically at her before shrugging and handing over her phone. Willow took it gratefully and immediately added a new contact.

A contact named Phillip.

Drama? Oh yes. Oh yes indeedy.

The temperature over here is absolutely high. At 9 am it was so cold I couldn't feel my hands, but then, by 12, I literally had to remove all my jumpers because I was dying of heat.

God, if you're real, and just randomly have the urge to read this absolutely stellar Huntlow fic, don't do drugs. It is affecting all of us. In a bad way.

Anyways gonna go do my rosary beads so that I don't go to hell ✌️

Bye 🥲

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