Chapter Twenty One • Stage 1 - Complete

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First of all an explanation for why it took me two whole weeks to upload this chapter. 😔

I had a ton of exams that I had to study for and a bunch of assignments to work on and i was super tired by the time I finished all my work each night.

I am now on a two week long holiday before I go back to school for term 4. And in those two weeks (and maybe in the first or second week of Term 4) I plan to upload eight chapters and probably will finish the fan fic in those.

It's sad I know. 😭


Now is time for Huntlow!

Camila waved to Hunter as he stepped out of the car. After a much needed nap (which he had been forced into) he felt more alive then ever. His eyelids didn't feel heavy in anyway and his eyes didn't sting. Hunter walked into the school without yawning once! This sleeping thing was the real witchcraft, not spells and portals.

Hunter checked the time on a clock nearby. It ready 9:35. That meant he was just a bit late for second period. However, still late, nonetheless. Hunter had never been late a day in his life. Rules and authority were put in place for a reason, after all.

He gulped as he began to flat out sprint to class. However, before Hunter could even get two meters into the campus, his entire body collided with another, sending him to the ground with enough force to kill a man.

"WoAh- watch where your going-! Oh," Any traces of anger in Hunters voice drifted away at the sight of Willow.

"Hunter! Oh my Titan! You're here? Did you sleep!?" She said in a rush.
"In fact I did-"
"Congratulations! Anyway, it is perfect that I found you when I did, I was literally just talking to everyone about this thing- oh my days, sorry this is really exciting - oh Hunter, you will NEVER BELIEVE THIS-"

Hunter grabbed Willows shoulders tightly.
"Captain," he said, "Calm down. Just breathe in..." He inhaled slowly.
"...and out." He exhaled slowly, making a whistling noise through his teeth, with the addition of a small smile. Willow chuckled, nodding bouncily, unable to contain her excitement, slowly beginning to follow Hunters lead.

"Okay... okay... now tell me-"
It took Hunter a while to at first unravel what Willow had said, and then process it, but once he did, Hunter couldn't keep the grin off his face. He could finally see Darius again!! And Flapjack!! And-!

Suddenly, his smile slipped. Willows expression grew shocked and concerned as she watched.
"What's wrong? Hunter?"
"Well- I mean it's amazing news! Well, I don't totally understand how this can get us home, but Y'know, we'll figure it out. It's just- it's just when we get back, it's not going to be all sunshine and painbows. I mean... the Collector-" Hunter froze at the sight of Willows frown. Her eyes were brimming with tears.

"Oh- oh Titan, oh my days, I'm sorry, I ruined your news-"
"No, no, it's fine. I was just hoping not to have to think about that part until we absolutely have to. I'm just... I'm just worried about my dads, yknow?"
"Yeah. Last time I saw Darius, the life was being sucked out of him through his sigil. I need to know if he's okay... or even alive."
"Stop it, of course he's alive! Have you met him? He's resilient! I'm sure that as soon as we open that portal the Collector won't even be a problem, because Eda, Raine and Darius would have already kicked their ass!"

Willow smirked as Hunter smiled, both of them sharing the bittersweet feeling of fear and love.

And then she froze. Because behind Hunter, Willow spotted Priah, who was about a kilometre away, on the other side of campus, but nevertheless, in her line of sight. And she was walking right over to them. No scratch that.

She was running.

And the sight of Priah suddenly reminded Willow of something. The stages.

"You know," She said to Hunter, trying to keep him facing her, in case he just randomly decided to turn 180° and spotted his girlfriend flat out sprinting towards him.

"There's this dance thing on Friday. Kinda like grom."
"Oh grom! I think I read about that somewhere. Isn't it-"
"Yes but— but that's not the point. It's like a party thing."
"...I... like a celebration."
"Oh! Yes I've been to those. Like a battle ceremony."
"...Sure. Anyways, don't mind what anyone tells you about them. They are boring-"
"Yes! And- and very dangerous-"
"People become chaotic! And it's- it's totally and completely against the rules!"

Hunter let out a choked gasp as he froze. His eyes widened in pain and shock.

"It's- its- it's against the rules!?"
"Well," Hunter said with a huff. "I never. What on earth happened to these poor humans that made them so prone to rule breaking?"
"I- i really don't know."
Well Willow thought guiltily. That was... easier than I thought. I should probably get out of here before Priah sees me though.

"Hey, isn't that your girlfriend?" She said, pointing to Priah, who was now only 7m away.

Oh Titan, Hunter thought with a groan, turning around. It was in this moment that Willow decided to make her escape, confident that she had done a good job.

"CALEB!" Priah cried in excitement, as she ran up to him and flung her arms around his neck.
"Babe, I missed you so much! Where were you this morning? And why were you talking to that girl? Tilly?"
"Her name is Wi- it's Lilly. And she was just telling me about this dance thing on Friday."
"Oh? Are you going with her!?" Priah almost shrieked her voice livid.

"No! No, I'm not going at all!"
This made her expression drop from angry to saddened.
"O-oh, are you busy or-?"

"HEY!" Someone shouted from behind them. It was Mr Crowley.
"Shit!" Priah hissed, grabbing Hunters arm and dragging him at a freakishly fast pace, giving him an overwhelming sense of deja vu.

Willow came into her class, which she didn't have with anyone she knew. Except for Priah. This bothered her beyond words. She was so sick of this girl just popping up everywhere she went.

However, it seemed like maybe she wasn't coming after all. Because the closer class inched toward the end, the more concerned Willow became that her plan hadn't worked.

But finally, with just thirty minutes left, she burst through the door looking distraught and tired, like she ran her or something.

The teacher began yelling at her immediately. "MISS SINGH! Where on EARTH have YOU BEEN-"
He froze as Priah began to cry. She broke out into full on hyperventilating sobs, as the teacher just awkwardly comforted her and took her to her seat.

Willow was shocked by this display of emotion, but also pleased, deep down. It meant that her plan had worked and Hunter had rejected her. What else could it have been.

Priah sat directly in front of her, in the third row to the back, and Willow watched in shock as, all of a sudden, she wiped away her tears with a smirk and pulled her phone out texting under the desk.

Entirely confused and curious as to what was going on, Willow straightened her neck up to get a better view at her phone, and was shocked to see what she had sent to No other than Phillip.

Thanks for the tips 😊 going
to ask him at break!! 🤩
Wish me luck bestie 😘

Willow groaned.
Oh crud.

The End ~~~~~~~

For now~~~~~~~


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