Chapter Three • Shenanigans

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Willow came into the living room and sat on the couch beside Gus and V. Luz and Amity sat opposite them, on the floor, at the coffee table, with a notepad and pens.

"Ok everyone." Luz said. "We are gathered here to decide our story and aliases because if we're going to find a way back to the Demon Realm, we're going to need to be able to leave the house."
"Wait a minute." Amity said "where's Hunter? Shouldn't he be here?"
"Oh don't worry about him. He's probably sleeping like a baby by now." Willow said with a chuckle.

Hunter was not sleeping like a baby. In fact, he wasn't sleeping at all.
This is just perfect. Not only am I not allowed to leave the house, but I can't leave my room? This is so unfair!
He glanced subconsciously towards the window and had an idea.

A stupid one.

He rummaged through draws and the wardrobe until he found what he was looking for: a beanie. Hunter put it on and tugged it so that it hid the tips of his ears. He looked at his dirty, ripped tunic in the mirror and shrugged.

It'll do. If the teens here are anything like me, I should fit right in, regardless of what I wear!

He quietly pushed the window up, and to his luck, a tree sat right beneath it. Hunter climbed onto its tallest branch successfully and let out a cry of triumph and surprise.

"Hah! This is going perfectly!"
And then he lost his footing and went hurtling into a huge pile of wet leaves (from the rain last night .)

"Ow..." Hunter groaned, rubbing his back and shaking off the leaves that had stuck to him. He stood up and gazed around in shock. His first impression of the human world was that it was dark, gray and wet.

But now the sky was a nice blue, with pale clouds streaked through it, and birds of a variety of colours flying about making chirping noises.

Just like Flapjack did.

Hunter couldn't help but grin. This realm seemed so much brighter than his home. Suddenly, he heard talking. He sneakily inched toward the sound, leaving the safety of the Noceda home.

Not too far from the house was a hill, covered in bright green grass. And on that grass were two humans who looked to be around his age, giggling and chatting away.

Ok Hunter, just play it cool, if you learn to fit in with the locals, squeezing information out of them will be a breeze, and then I can find a way to get everyone back home...

Hunter patted his beanie, double checking that it covered his ears, before inhaling through his nose.
"Here goes nothing..."

He walked up to the humans, and just stood there waiting to be noticed.

"Omg that reminds me of when you— uhm hello?" One of them said, noticing Hunter staring. The other one turned and flinched at the intense stare that he was giving them.

"Uhh yes hello. I am... Caleb. Yep. My names Caleb."
The first human squinted at him.
"...uh huh. Well uhm my names Priah, and this is Phillip."
Hunter froze.

"Oh... Phillip. I uh... that is a good name."
Phillip looked at him skeptically.
"Uhhm... thanks? Are you good dude?"
"Yes. Yes I am good. I have to go now. F-farewell."

He looked at Phillip and then at Priah, and turned to leave.
"Hey wait!" Priah called. Hunter turned back to her.
"Is that your real eye colour or are those contacts? I've never seen someone with purple eyes before-"

He bolted. Hunter ran as fast as he could towards Luzs house.
Crap. Why didn't the human tell me that humans don't have purple eyes!?

He ran to the tree and jumped up to the lowest branch, pulling himself up, or at least trying to. After many failed attempts, he was covered in leaves and exhausted, so he decided to try and climb through one of the windows on the first floor.

To his delight, the nearest window opened easily. Hunter pulled himself up and through the window, and he collapsed onto the wooden floor.

He stood up triumphantly.
"Success!" He cried before realising that he had climbed into the living room. The very one that Luz, Amity, Gus, Willow and V were in.

All 5 of them looked at Hunter in shock as he stood there in defeat.


10 minutes earlier...

"He's probably sleeping like a baby by now." Willow said with a chuckle.
"But-" Gus began.
"Okay!" Luz cried "Hunter needs sleep. Now for the story! Since V has been me for so long, I'm going to have to pretend to be her twin or something."
"Uhm okay but doesn't everyone in your neighbourhood know that your an only child?" V pondered. Luz groaned.
"Okay a cousin then. A very identical looking cousin. Anyways, Amity will be my girlfriend, because... well because she is, who is visiting me for... my birthday. And Willow and Gus are Vs cousins also, and Hunter can be Amity's annoying brother. Everyone got that?"
She said panting.

Everyone nodded. Amity finished writing it all down and then gave a thumbs up.
"Great! Now come up with names and stories in case people ask us. Plus my mom actually does have a brother, so if anyone asks, Willow, Gus, your parents names are Sophia and Marco Noceda."
They nodded, but Willow raised her hand.

"Why do we need different names? Won't our real ones suffice?"
"Why not?"
"Because coming up with fake names are fun! Besides, I have to come up with a fake name!"

And so after 7 minutes of thinking they got their story straight. V was Luz Noceda, Luzs name that she chose was Luzura, Amity chose the name Hecate, mostly because Luz begged her to. Willow decided to call herself Lilly, because she liked the way that lillies looked. And finally Gus chose

"Vincent!" He cried dramatically.
"...why Vincent?" Amity asked.
"I read somewhere that the most popular male human name was Vincent. But the book was 90 years old so..."
Luz giggled.

"Ok then you may be Vincent, but it is a bit of a strange name." She said. Gus rolled his eyes.
"Whatever you say 'Luzura.'"

"What about Hunter? Should we wake him up now?" Willow said.
"No way he's only been asleep for like 5 minutes-." V said just as someone slid open the window and climbed inside, leaving dirt and leaves all over the floor.

It was Hunter.
"Success!" He cried before realising that he wasnt alone.

Willows eyes widened.
"Hunter!? Why did you come in through the window!?"
"Captain! I uh.... I wasn't really tired so I... went to talk to some locals-"
Luz facepalmed. Of all the people to go and 'talk to the locals' Hunter was definitely the last one she would've wanted doing that.

"What did you say?"
"I said that my name was Caleb and that I liked his name... but I didn't like his name."

Everyone was confused. Like not a single person understood.
"And then I think I got exposed-"
"YOU WHAT!?" V cried.
"Well she said I had cool eyes-"
"Hang on how many humans were there?" Amity asked.
"Just two."
"What we're their names?" Luz asked.
"Priah and... a-and Phillip." Hunter said grimacing.

"Wait a minute what did who say about your eyes?" Gus asked.
"Can I please just tell you word for word what happened and then answer questions because it's all over the place right now!"

So everyone quietened down to listen as he told them what had happened. After hearing the whole thing, V sighed.

"Well crud." She said. Luz looked to her confused.
"What, what's wrong?"
"I know them. They moved here about a month ago. And they kinda don't like me."

Well shit Hunter thought looking to Willow. She looked back to him and blushed. He quickly looked back out the window and froze as he saw Priah. Who then saw him.

"Well shit." He muttered.

Thanks for reading! I know there wasn't a lot of Huntlow in this chapter but next chapter will have lots promise!

Bye! 😘

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