Chapter Twenty Six • The CWEENs

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Greetings and salutations everyone

I was depressed for like a week and didn't upload and today I was like 'guess I'll check my notifications'

235. In 7 days, I got 235 notifications, 5 I think, new followers and enough reads to put this fanfic at ALMOST 20k LIKE WTAF 😭

this is literally crazy ty all so so much oml ✨❤️🫶

I also just discovered that some of you have decided to name this dot • Steve

Which I am 100% on board with

I dub thee Steve of Huntlow •

Anyways without further ado, d r a m a

As Thursday morning rolled around, and the sun began to rise, spreading its pure, beautiful, flawless, burning light across the USA, Hunter sat, half asleep after typing in random password combinations into the scroll, with eye bags that had now outgrown his eyes.

He had been at it since 3 am and drifted off once or twice, but was still going strong. Hunter had done nothing but punch in combinations for hours on end, until it put a numerous failed attempt timer on it, and Luz began slamming pots and pans together, like she had done every day in the past week. Still, it startled Hunter, causing the scroll to drop from his aching fingers.

"Titan dammit-"
"Hunter! Why am I not surprised." Luz said, entering his room.
"Because I've woken up before you for the past week, maybe even the past few years?"
Willow stirred and blinked awake as Luz groaned.
"Ok first of all, that was a rhetorical question, and second, how DARE you leave that on the goddamn floor!"
Hunter looked down to the scroll which she was pointing at.
"Ok that was your fault," He said, picking it up.
"Plus it's totally fine!"
"Still," Luz hissed, snatching it from him. She unrolled it and her jaw dropped at the sight on the screen.
"Hunter... why the eff does it say that you have been locked out for an hour?"
"Yeah, I've been waiting for that to run out for ages."

Almost as soon as he said that, the timer ended and the lockscreen reappeared.
"Y'know I think I'm the only one who hasn't tried to figure this out yet." Luz said, swiping onto the pinpad. Hunter sighed.
"Okay then. Try all you want human, it's impossible-"
"Oh my god."

Luz said nothing. She simply, but shakily, turned the scroll to face Hunter, revealing the unlocked screen. Willow, who had been fake sleeping to hear the drama, jumped up.
"What? What did you do?"
She then saw the screen and clapped her hands over her mouth in shock.
"I-Wha- how did you get that first go!?"
Luz just blinked and shook her head, awestruck.
"I- i just put in 6969, I had absolutely no idea that that would work-"
"That is so crazy! How on earth did you figure it out?" Willow said. Luz just looked at her.
"You don't- you don't know- what 69 means?"
She and Hunter shook their heads and Luzs lips flattened into a line.

"Well then. Probably a human thing."

After the three had run around the house, dragging people away from slumber, the owl gang gathered in the lounge room, crowding around the scroll.
"This is insane." Amity said, resting on Luzs shoulder.
"Why exactly?" Gus asked, which met him with shocked if looks before realisation.
"Yeah why do we even need this scroll to work again?" Luz asked.

V chuckled.
"Because look:"
She grabbed the scroll and opened Penstagram, and to everyone's horror, a series of posts began appearing on the page. Posts about what had been happening in the Boiling Isles. The first that showed up was a video of a girl with pale purple skin, white hair and freckles.

"Hello survivors." The girl said. "My name is Amber and I am apart of the Company of Warriors Establishing Exemption Nationwide, or, as we're better known as, the CWEENs. To those watching from afar, a magical, overpowered being named the collector has taken over the Boiling Isles, and is forcing many of our friends and families into merciless, life threatening games for his entertainment. If you are a survivor on the Isles, and your lost, or helpless, come find us. We have a whole hideout set up full of food and supplies, and we're coming up with a plan to beat this bitchass child. Right now, we are safe from the collector, but have no clue how long that will last. Me and the rest of the CWEENs are in the Fools Blood cave. I don't really know what that means, but our leaders, Eda and Darius, found it for us easily.

"Our third leader, Raine, has covered this place in enchantments, just in case the Collecter might come along, but I'll doubt they'll work on him. If you do manage to find us, the password is 'Hexus Holdem.' Our whereabouts are shown on a map, linked in the comments. If you are unable to find us, stay tuned on this account. I'll upload daily updates on progress. And please- please- take care of yourselves. Amber out."

The video stopped, and a replay button showed up on screen. Everyone was numb with shock and at a loss for words. A tear rolled down Hunters cheek. Darius and the others had built a survivors hideout? They didn't even have a plan?

The severity of this situation became suddenly sickeningly apparent. Willow swallowed hard, through trembling breaths as Amity burst into tears. Luz consoled her, as chills shot down Vs spine, making her shiver. Of course the demon realm had gotten this bad. It was a cruel, unforgiving place.

Gus was the only one who seemed even the tiniest bit optimistic. He let out a sigh and collapsed back into the couch, letting tears roll down his cheeks, as a smile appeared on his face. Willow turned to him in shock.
"What- what are you doing? How are you happy right now! Our families could be getting tortured by some sinister kid half our height right now! This is insane, we might as well give up-"

"Didn't you see? Behind that girl, there were tents, full of people! Full of our people! I saw my dad! And yours, Willow, both of them! And I saw Edric and Emira, I even saw Odalia! And Amber said that Darius and Eda were there, everyone is safe! Maybe not permanently, but it's enough for us to get back to them in time. It just means we have to work a bit harder and go a bit faster. So we'd better get going." And then Gus stood up, with meaning, and glanced out the window just as the school bus pulled up.

"Because today is not the day for giving up."

Btw in case you didn't know amber is this chic:

AlsoNews on the Halloween costume- my friend set the cape on fire by accident (scented candles do not get me started) so we've had to repair that, but apart from that, is going great!

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News on the Halloween costume- my friend set the cape on fire by accident (scented candles do not get me started) so we've had to repair that, but apart from that, is going great!

Thanks for the support on the last few chapters!! I love you all 😚 ❤️

Bye! 👋

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