Chapter Twenty • A Way Home

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Go check who's coming second in Huntlow. Just go check. No reason. Y'know just out of curiosity you should check. It could be fun :)

Willow pocketed the scroll quickly and hurriedly ran back over to Gus, dropping his stuff onto the floor.

"Wait a- wait-" His eyes glistened as he looked up at Willow in adoration.
"You mean— you mean I can- I have your permission to kidnap P-Priah-"
"No! No way on Titans life are you to so much as look at that... girl."

The last part was hard for Willow to say, because she pictured Priah as a goblin more than she did a girl.

"So if I were to have my eyes closed-"
"You know what, I changed my mind."
And so she picked up Gus' bag again, dragging it over to the bin and emptying out the contents, despite his choked gasps of shock.

Once the bag was emptied, Willow dusted off her hands, before freezing, at the sight of something she had spotted amongst Gus' trash.

"I— you are unbelievable, a bottle of gasoline!?!?!?!?!"

However, as she turned to face him, Gus had sprinted back inside screaming.


"Titan save us." Willow muttered shaking her head.

The bus finally arrived at the school. The owl gang sat at the back once again, however, there was more room this time, due to Hunters temporary absence. As the crew filed out of the bus, Willow blocked them all in a group.

"Attention. I have made a discovery. Meet me behind the gymnasium after 9:30."

The crew nodded, full of curiosity, before dispersing. Willow exhaled sharply through her nose, before heading off to her home room, with nervous excitement.

Home room flew by, and before she knew it, Willow was in her first period geography class, which she had with Phillip (thank god), and Priah (oh god.)

The three sat together with Phillip in the middle, because Willow felt she could consider herself his friend by now, plus, Priah was busy talking to her other friends behind her, so she wasn't much of a bother.

That is, until the teacher walked in and began the lesson.

With a frown, Priah turned to Willow.
"Where's my Caleb Bear?"
"Oh... my Titan." Willow mumbled under her breath, at the sound of that terrifying nickname.
"He wasn't feeling so good, but he'll probably be here before lunch."

She had decided that if she were to pretend to befriend Priah, it would be easier to manipulate her. Thinking about this, however, made Willow feel a bit sick. What she was doing sucked. It was a total jerk move, and she knew that. But she also knew that after everything Hunter had gone through, Priahs drama was the last thing he needed. Really, Willow was doing him a favour.

She shook the thoughts from her mind, focussing on the board, trying to puzzle out what the fuck an anthroposphere was, while Priah sulked in her chair.

After about twenty minutes of writing random words that she had not a clue about, off of the board, Willow stretched her hand out, shaking it. She had gotten so into her plant track recently, she hadn't done as much theory and writing work, so her hand cramped easily. However, as Willow went to place her pen down once more, she froze at the sight of a small, folded piece of paper, lying innocently in the center of her page.

Willow opened it.

It read : how's stage 1 going? :/
- Phillip

Willow furrowed her eyebrows turning to Phillip and whispering.
"I'm sitting right next to you, why are you writing notes-?"

"Excuse me, Ms Noceda, is there something you'd like to share?"

Willow froze, as Phillip smirked and gave her a look that said 'that's why.'

She rolled her eyes and apologised to the teacher profusely, before continuing with her writing.

And so period 1 ended. However, instead of heading to her English class, Willow made her way to the gymnasium, where she walked around behind it, to an almost empty collection of over grown trees and moss covered the walls. The ground was purely dirt, because real grass hadn't grown there in almost a year, and the only real place anyone could sit was on a deteriorating log, or on a chain link fence. It was perfect for secret witch meetings.

Not long after her arrival, V, Luz, Gus and Amity showed up.

"Ok, I am missing Spanish for this, what's so important?" Amity said.
"Ok." Willow said, preparing herself, and pulling out the scroll. The crew froze.

"Is that— is that your-" Luz began.
"No, I didn't bring mine with me through the portal. Did you?"
Willow turned to Amity and Gus, who both shook their heads, still in shock.
"It could be Hunters." V suggested.
"It isn't. I know his password, and it didn't work. Which brings me to the other thing. It's password protected. Five digit number."

"Hold up you know Hunters scroll
password-" Gus said with a smirk. Willow rolled her eyes and scoffed.
"Augustus, we haven't time for your shenanigans."

And then suddenly V began to cry, which was a shock to everyone. Mostly because her tears were indistinguishable between happy or sad ones.

Straight away, Luz placed her arm around her shoulder.
"Hey it's alright, it's alright."
"No, no, no, this— this is a good thing." V said through shuddering breaths.
"You'll be able to make a portal home and— and—"
"You will not return to the demon realm, unless you want to. And also, how is a scroll supposed to help us make a portal?"

V calmed herself before smiling slightly.
"I don't know. We're getting closer, though, yes? Where did you even find it, Willow?"
"In a trash can. Long story, do not ask."

Luz chuckled.
"Well that's great! I mean, today is Wednesday, and the trash gets taken away every Monday, and the portal was only opened on Sunday night, which means there's a good chance that it either came through the portal we did, somehow or-"

Amity gasped, cutting off Luz.
"It came through some over way!" She finished, beaming and hugging her. Willow grinned. Did this mean that they were finally going to go home? Sure, it was a small chance, but any chance is worth a celebration.

And so the crew immersed in chatter, discussing plans, on how to get back home, how to defeat the Collecter, how to

"Do you kids have a hall pass!?"

The owl crew froze at the sound of an old man's raspy voice, before slowly turning their heads and seeing Mr Crowley, a very mean teacher.

"SCATTER!!" Gus cried, as they all ran off in different directions.

"I— hey— come back- what-"
Mr Crowley was left on his own, thoroughly confused, and scratching his balding head.

"I'm getting to old for this." He said with a sigh.

No Huntlow, im afraid 😭

Sorry it's taken so long to upload. Apparently my brain made the executive decision to start writing another Sashanne fanfic, because apparently, my emotional stability can handle that

But it's fine I'm fine 🙂 👌

Also me and my friend have started a cult at school called 'The Bad Girls Coven'

Basically, my friend is a stellar drawer and every time we abduct a new member, she draws a hooty face wearing sunglasses on the inside of their wrist with eyeliner.

So far we have a total of 12 people, 2/5 of them haven't even seen toh, just Amphibia. Or neither




Watch for a new upload


(A/N: was just running through, looking for spelling errors, and realised that that this chapter made absolutely no sense whatsoever but I AM TIRED HUMAN so it'll have to do 😭) gn my dudes, and apologies

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