1. welcome home 𝑎𝑔𝑎𝑖𝑛, 020.

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I gasp loudly as I shot up from the bed. I looked around. Here it is, my worst nightmare. Coming back to the lab that "papa" owns and keeps childrens like me with abilities and use us like lab rats.

I panicked and breathe heavily trying to process everything. I bolted out of my bed and opened the door running towards the exits.

I ran in and ended up in the rainbow room. I take a look around trying to process everything then turned back around, seeing a tall, curled blond hair, with deep blue eyes.

"Welcome back, 020" He spoke with a soft smile.

"Welcome back, 020" He spoke with a soft smile

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My breath hitched. After all of my lives, I've never seen this guy around before. I didn't realize I was staring at his face for a good solid 1 minute.

He looked at me "is there something wrong? 020?" He asked concerned.

I stutter trying to speak "n-no.. sir..".

"very well then.." he smiled.

I don't know what's up with him and smiles. Is it a habit? Is he just trying to be nice? Faking it? Probably.

Another question went through my mind and I blurted it out "Wheres the exit?".

His eyebrow frowned "Why do you ask?" He stands in his type of pose where his hands were infront of him intertwined.

"Where is the exit?" I asked sternly.

His facial expression changed into a angrier type of one "oh darling... do not raise your tone at me" he spoke.

I felt sickened by his word choice.

He slowly started walking with that pose of his as he stood infront of me.

I did not dare to look up at him.

He slowly raised my chin to look at him.

My eyes look at the kids playing.

"Look at me.. it's ok i won't bite" He said.

I hesitated a bit then looked at him. Those bright blue eyes.

"Like I said " Welcome home, 020.." " He smiled and took of his hand.


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