22. please max, come back down.

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"Looks like I 'm going to die tomorrow" max sobbed lightly wiping her tears while calming down. Everyone stood there until there was a distant clanging from out of the room.

Everyone shot their head over to the door as Steve told us to stay out and grabbed a light on the way out. He slowly started walking out in a ready position mode, we all just slowly followed and shined the light behind Steve.

I was getting my powers ready just in case Steve's little light wouldn't work. I heard a distant running and there he was. Lucas. We all yelled in fear.

"Lucas?" Nancy exclaimed.

"It's me!" Lucas shouted alerting everyone while breathing heavily trying to catch his breath. "Jesus! What's wrong with you, sinclair!?!? I COULDVE TAKEN YOU OUT WITH THIS LAMP!" Steve exclaimed.

"I'm sorry!" Lucas pants and repeats.

I sighed out in relieved "almost shit my pants goddamn it" I exclaimed trying to breath putting my hands down.

"sorry guys. Sorry" Lucas apologizes multiple times while catching his breath "I was... I was biking for eight miles" He pants and gulps "give me a second.. shit..." he breathed out. "We've got a code red" He spoke.

"What?" I exclaimed.

Lucas started walking to Dustin a bit limping "Dustin. I've been with Jason, Patrick, and Andy and they've gone totally off the rails. They're trying to capture eddie and they think you know where he is you're in terrible danger" He pants in his sentence.

"All right, yea that definitely sucks but we've got bigger problems than Jason now" Dustin acknowledges while slowly turning to max. Lucas was still breathing heavily but as soon as he saw max it slowed down.

Max just looked down trying to shrug off the tension.

It was the next day and we were at the wheelers house in mikes basement. So much deja vu was coming to me. We were sat on the couch, we as in dustin, Steve, Lucas, and I, we were just looking through the newspaper fliers about the victor creel "demon".

"Okay, be honest. Uh do any of you guys understand any of this?" Steve asked struggling   "No" Lucas replied "Pretty straightforward." Dustin spoke. "Oh, straightforward, really?" Steve sarcastically spoke at dustin. "What's confusing to you? So far everyone vecna has cursed has died except for this old victor creel dude Nancy found. He's the only known survivor. If anyone knows how to beat this curse, it's him" Dustin spoke.

I was doubting their "theories", i really want to tell them but I'm afraid it would release something bad and it will make me look like the villain. So I stayed quiet and stared at the tiny flier.

"Any ideas what she is writing?" Dustin spoke while looking over at max who was writing something at the desk. We all looked over "Did she sleep?" Dustin asked worriedly. "I mean, would you?" Lucas replied to Dustin's question. The door opens and appears Robin and Nancy standing there.

"We have a plan" Nancy spoke with a bright smile.

"Thanks to Nancy's minions, we are now rockstar psychology students at the University of Notre Fame" Robin announced to all of us "Im now Ruth" Nancy spoke "And im rose" Robin finishes.

"Ruth?" Steve utterly says towards Nancy as she tilts her head smiling. "Nice GPA" dustin spoke as he kept reading in what's inside the folder.

"So we called Pennhurst Aslyum told them we'd like to speak with Victor Creel for a thesis we're co-writing on paranoid schizophrenic" Nancy says as she hit cut off "To which they said no" Robin finishes.

"But we landed a three o'clock with the director." Nancy spoke "Now all we have to do is charm him and convince him to let us talk to victor" Robin spoke "Then maybe we can rid max and y/n of this curse" Nancy speaks as she looked off at max who was still writing.

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