19. vecnas curse.

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A curse. Vecna's curse. Who's Vecna? An undead creature of great power. A spell caster. A dark wizard.

We were just staying there as the paramedics came and helped out with angelas situation. I sat there waiting for jonathan to come. I wanted to have fun with el but it was ruined. I feel so drained and tired, I need to light up a cigarette but i can't leave el alone.

So I sat by her while everyone was staring at el. I gave them a glare signaling to look away. Jonathan and Argyle came in looking at angela shocked. We got up and left into the van. Today was a bit bloody mess. "I know this maybe, like upsetting and shit but that future prom Queen is gonna be fine" Argyle spoke "It's just like rubber wheels".

"Plastic" Jonathan adds "not like hard plastic. Just the soft kind" He spoke "Totally" Argyle agrees. "But you ever wonder why the wheels aren't wood, man? Or metal" Argyle spoke to Jonathan "so people don't get hurt when they get shmacked" he spoke as he was trying to make sense "Ohhhh" jonathan realized.

"Man. Hey atleast it wasn't an ive skate" He spoke "That nose wouldve  been sliced clean off, man!" Argyle said. Jonathan exclaims exaggerating.

They continued talking as they were repeating words over and over again. Gosh they are so high. We have arrived back at the byers house as we walked in Murray was cooking. When did he get here? "You kids like risotto?" Murray smiled. After we had a big long day. For sure I am so hungry.

We all sat at the dining table eating quietly. "I'm so glad you came here y/n" Joyce announced smiling. I gave her a warm smile and nodded "I'm glad to be here too". Everyone was dead silent all you can hear is just utensils being tapped against the plates.

I had a bad feeling. But this feeling wasn't ordinary. It's like is happening in Hawkins right now. I can feel it. The same sense when that monster was near. It felt really tense this time.

I didn't realize I had fasten time as everyone started arguing a bit explaining things till Mike said something else "She didn't look like" he spoke. This made Eleven get up and walked upstairs. I sat there quietly breathing heavily as my nose bleeds without me noticing.

"y/n... your nose...." Will whispered quietly as he grabbed a napkin and started wiping my nose. I snapped back into reality and wills face was close as I flinched "will...oh im sorry" I grab the napkin from his hand and I back up a bit. Not trying to catch a case.

"I think I should go home now... uh it's very late..." I stumble against my chair "what is up guys?" Joyce asked concerning. I smiled "Thank you for the food murray it was delicious and uh im going to head out now bye" I quickly spoke "but y/n I thought u were going to have a sleepover?" Jonathan asked. "Sorry... uh bush work? Yk" I laugh nervously then teleported back to my house.

I stood in my room and breathed heavily. Is it back in hawkins again? I grabbed my walkie talkie "This is y/n here I think there is an emergency, do you copy?" I spoke worriedly. I waited as the static was still playing in the walkie talkie. "Dustin!" I shouted. "Y/n I need you to teleport over to 2121 holland rd near lovers lake no questions just come" Dustin spoke.

I furrowed my eyebrows and took a deep breath then closed my eyes teleporting to that area. I stood infront of the house. I look around "dustin!" I shouted. The door opens from a shed revealing robin "get in here quick" she whispered. I ran towards the shed and went inside. I saw max, Steve, dustin, and eddie that looked pale and petrified.

I slowly knelt down infront of eddie slowly. I tried to hold his hand but he flinched back. I turned to the rest "what happened?" I asked worriedly. They explained everything and where the part where they mentioned something was pulling her eyes from the inside made me think about the lab and peter.

I stared off and thought about it. What if it's him? What if it's actually peter. A lot of shit went through my mind. I slowly held onto eddies hand softly. His hand were cold but very soft. Eddie turns to look at me with those same scared eyes. I looked at him with soft eyes "It's okay... I will protect you no matter what... we will figure what this thing is and kill it" I whispered softly.

Eddie just looked at me. I smiled a bit and stood up looking at the other Steve was just looking around as if he was disappointed. I looked at the rest. They all nodded "We will come back tomorrow but stay low" Dustin spoke as he took out another walkie talkie and gave it to eddie.

"Just say any of our names if you need anything" Dustin instructed "If you are in danger call for y/n she will be here in no time" He spoke. I nodded and smiled a bit "Good night eddie be careful" I spoke. Eddie just nodded "thanks guys..." He whispered out.

They all smiled and nodded then left.

I look at them leave from the window then sat in a tiny stool. Eddie looked up "I thought you were going home?" He confusedly spoke. I chuckled "I'll stay with you for a bit" I spoke while tucking my knees in my chest. I found a candle and lit it up with my powers secretly. Then placed it on the ground between us.

Eddie just looked out the window. "Do you want something to eat?" I asked. He shook his head. I nodded and thought of something "you know eddie...i.." I was going to confess about my feelings but paused there since it was a bad timing at the wrong time. He looked at me "what?" He asked.

"I think you are a cool person you know... i
like to be around you. now ik why they like
you." I chuckled. "Who?" He asked "Dustin and Mike" I spoke. He just looked off and shrugged. I was a bit disappointed and slowly stood up "I'll go now eddie" I grabbed my things. As I was getting ready to leave. He grabbed my wrist tightly.

I looked down at him.

"Please return tomorrow early..." He whispered shakingly.

I slowly nodded and pecked his hand. "I will.. promise me".



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