2. leasons.

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I was just looking around the rainbow room, taking a glance at every kid in here. I sighed a bit then slowly got up to walk to eleven where she was sat next to the coloring area.

I slowly pull a chair next to her then sat down quietly.

Eleven slowly looked up towards me.

I looked over at her and placed a gentle smile on my face.

She smiled a bit.

"what are you drawing?" I look at her paper and asked.

"rainbow..." she whispers.

I smile a bit then heard the door burst open. I quickly look over and saw "papa...." i whispered as tears fill up my eyes.

"Good morning, children!" Papa/Brenner spoke.

The kids ran and lined up on each side of papa "Good morning, Papa!" They shouted in excitement.

I slowly walked and stood beside eleven staying quiet trying hard not to break out crying.

"How are we feeling today?" Papa spoke as he looks at the kids.

"Good Papa!" They exclaimed as i stood there quietly.

"Children, we have another sister joining us today and thats 020!" Papa faked smiles and chuckles a bit.

They all clapped and stare at me.

I stared down at the cold white floor.

"Good. Number Twelve, could you open the door for us please?.." Papa turns back to 012 as he smiled.

"yes, papa" 012 nods then opens the doorway for the kids and him.

"Follow me" Papa said as he walked out leading the childrens to the lesson room.

We all were dressed up in a grey crew neck sweatshirt and sweatpants getting ready to practice our abilities.

I stood there nervously, curling my toes a bit.

Little did I know, he kept glancing over at me a few times after 3 minutes getting a good look at me, understanding my feature.

We all stand near the wall watching 002 controlling a circuit of lightbulbs as the light spin around traveling from light bulb to another.

You can tell 002 was trying hard to make it spin a bit faster.

"Stop." Papa spoke.

002 opens his eyes and took a breath.

"Very good, Two" papa compliments as he gave him a piece of candy.

"Now, which one of you would like to give it a go?" Papa spoke while showing the candy.

Almost every kid were saying "me" while raising their hand except for me and eleven.

Papa took a look while smiling then looked over at you and eleven "twenty? eleven?" He asked.

Everyone moved their gaze towards us making me feel uncomfortable.

Eleven softly nudges me to go.

I looked at her and slowly walked forwards.

"Excellent!" Papa excitedly exclaimed with a "smile".

I slowly sat down on the chair.

He walked infront of me, the guard from earlier. He places this wire hat on my head as he stared me in the eyes.

Of course I had to stare back cause... I cant take my eyes off of those blue eyes of his.

"Do your best..." He whispers lastly and walks off.

I took his advice and I hesitated to close my eyes. But eventually did as I started to use my powers to move the light around the lightbulbs but a bit slower.

I stay concentrated trying to avoid any distractions. I felt blood slowly dripping down from my nose.

"Stop" demanded papa.

I opened my eyes, breathing a little bit uneven.

"Good job, 020" Papa smiles at me and gave me a piece of candy.

I took it as the blondie took off the wire hat off of me then mouthed "you did great".

I smiled a bit then walked off to the like wiping my nose with a tissue.

"Eleven? you're next" Papa spoke immediately.

Eleven breathes hitched and hesitated to go as well but slowly walked to her chair. The blondie places the same hat and spoke to her about something then walked off.

I noticed papa seemed suspicious of him and it threw me off.

I felt him walking behind me slowly as looked over my shoulders a bit. He gave a secret smirk then tells 002 to be quiet.

My focus back to eleven, she seems like she's struggling but got a bulb to light up for a few seconds. I smiled then the bulb stopped lighting up.

Eleven seemed like she's been drained.

I over heard 002 say "waste of time" and it made me fume a bit.

"Lessons are over. You may go back to your rooms or the rainbow room. Dinner will be served at 6:00 pm. Good job, childrens" Papa said.

"Thank you, papa" the childrens said as they walk out to the rainbow room or either their bedrooms.

I saw eleven sobbing and slowly walks to her then crotches down infront of her feeling bad. I wipe her tears away softly.

"i-im w-w-weak..." eleven quietly sobs out.

"your not I promise you... atleast you charged up ONE light bulb that's pretty awesome..!" I wipe her tear away again trying to cheer her up.

She sniffs.

I look at the candy I had in my hand and gave it to her quickly "eat it, it's so good you have to try it.." I smile.

"no... papa give you reward, not me..." eleven softly spoke.

"i know you want it... it's doesn't matter what i think about papa...take it eleven.." I gave it to her.

She sniffed and smiled a bit through her tears.

"cmon..lets go" i peck her forehead while grabbing her hand softly. She held my hand back as we both started walking.

he was always watching.

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