16. hellfire.

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I have this massive headache that has been bothering me ever since during my 3rd period. It's really pissing me off, i wonder if max has pills on her. I should go ask.

I got up and grabbed my bag to find max. I continue to walk while looking around. Until I found her near her locker. "Max!" I called out to her.

She looked over into the crowd of people.

I pant a bit "do you- do you have some tylenol?" I asked. She took out a white container and passed me it "of course I do. Carry it with me everywhere because I always get headaches" she said.

I slowly nodded bit suspicious then took out my water bottle. I swallow the pill and chased it down with water. I sighed in relief "thank you so much" I smiled leaning against the locker.

"Yea..." she smiled a bit then stopped. I looked at her and sighed quietly "Did you talk to the counselor?" I asked. She nodded and looked down fidgeting with her shoe.

I nodded and gave her a hug "You can always talk to me as well please. I want to be there for you" I spoke softly.

She just hugged me back "It's really okay, i can cope by myself" She spoke "you don't have to worry about me all the time, y/n" She smiles a bit "okay?" .

I just nodded then pulled away from the hug "well I have to head off to my last period then I have to get ready for hellfire tonight" I spoke.

"Wait you volunteered to play?" She blinked unimaginably. "I know I don't wanna play I don't know why I would say that in the beginning but atleast it shut their little asses arguing to replace Lucas with someone or postpone it" I rolled my eyes annoyingly.

Max laughed a bit and just nodded "Okay then goodluck now. bye, y/n see you tomorrow" She waves then left.

I waved goodbye then walked to my last period of the day then spring break here we come.

I sat back in my chair sulking a bit with my arms crossed against my chest while music blasts in my ear. I closed my eyes trying to see how eleven was and what she was up to.

You know I'm an over protective sister so I'm just doing this for my sake. I know it's not good but I just want to be a look out.

I saw eleven walking with her project a bit upset. I saw the girl pull her leg out and tripped el, making her drop her project out of her hand and her pieces scattered everywhere.

This made me fume. Everyone around her 'oo'ed or laughed. Which got me even upset.

The blonde girl looked down at eleven and talked to her in a voice that made me cringe really bad. Fork scraping against a plate. Ugh.

Eleven sat up and looked at the bullies. One of the blonde girls friend tossed el's project then the other friend crushed it with his feet. I started breathing heavily. I want to teleport so badly but there was so many people there.

"Angela!" Elevens voice echos as she stood up angrily and placed up her hand then screamed. This made me shocked. Nothing.

Does Eleven not have powers anymore? I mean I didn't ask if it was still working since last year.. This was my fear. Losing powers.

Everyone laughed at el if she was crazy.

I opened my eyes quickly breathing heavily as someone shook me "h-hey, y/n your nose is bleeding like a lot.." a classmate said.

I quickly took off my headphones and stopped the tape that was playing. "oh my fucking god...um does anyone have tissues?" I look at my hands they were all bloody so was my whole bottom face.

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