10. the plan.

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We heard news that 002 has woken up and is being taking care of. He was weak, pale, having trouble to breath on his own.

This was not a good thing for eleven now, either she is going to get attack and killed or get injured really bad.

I just woke up and it was only 9 am. exactly 9 am.

I stretch and did what I do for every morning then headed out to the rainbow room.

I walked in quietly and headed towards eleven.

"morning.. 020" she greeted me with a warm smile.

I smiled back "morning, 011. Did you eat anything?" I asked.

"yes" she replied placing the red puck in the slot and still didn't make it towards three.

She grunted in frustration.

I smiled a bit at her eagerness "try again?" I spoke.

She nodded then did it again.

This time it landed it on 3.

She closed her eyes in relief.

I clap gently "may i have some?" I asked playing my hand out.

She quickly nodded and gave me 3 pucks.

I smiled then my smile fades away and felt eyes staring at us.

I slowly look behind me. it was two's "friends" that attacked me and eleven.

I looked at them and they seem pissed.

Eleven saw all of this and made her breath uneven.

Then there was this loud clang noise from the table.

That made eleven startled releasing the pucks in her hand all over the floor.

I flinched a bit and quickly helped her.

As soon as I was going to grab the last piece. Someone took it upon their hands and started fidgeting it with their hands.

I slowly look up. it was peter. he looked a bit scary this time.

"You open for something a little more challenging?" He spoke deeply and looked dead in my eyes then towards eleven.

I kind of furrowed my eyes a bit a bit confused what he meant.

He walked us over to the chess table.

I stood by the chair and softly spoke " I don't know how to play....".

He sat down and looked up at me locking his blue eyes towards my eyes "I'll teach you...".

My breath hitched and i sat the opposite from him. eleven sat beside me.

We started to play the game. Peter moved his one of his piece forward as i just copy his move.

He looked like he didn't mind as he moved one of his piece again.

I moved the same one as him. I looked at him. He looked up at me then back at the board.

"Try not to show any emotion as I speak, okay?" He whispered deeply.

eleven just sat there watching us play.

"Just keep playing the game if you understand" he looked at me.

I took a glance at him then moved my chess piece.

"Two is still in the infirmary recovering" He spoke lowly so no one hear as besides me and eleven.

"He's being watched now, but once he is released, he and the others are going to attempt to kill you both... right here, in this room." he spoke.

"and papa... will allow it to happen. In fact, he wants it to happen. He's been planning it for some time now." He looked at me.

I knew this was going to happen but it seemed so much at the same time which made me tense up.

Eleven on the other hand was breathing heavily but it was quiet.

"Stay calm. Focus on the game" he spoke.

I looked back down at the board then moved my piece.

"There's a reason why Two and the others were able to escape their room last night. why the security cameras were turned off. why papa punished two a few days ago. They don't even realize it but he is moving them like pieces on this board here" peter whispers.

I looked at him then moved a different piece.

"Driving them to do exactly what he wants, which is.." he looked at me and captured one of my piece.

I looked at him a bit confused.

"why?..." Eleven breathed out.

"you frighten him.. he knows you are more powerful than the others" he looked at me deeply.

I furrowed my eyebrows a bit.

"And he also knows he can't control you... 3 special abilities... it's kinda rare in this lab." He looked at me.

"but i only have two?..." i whispered.

He looked at me and tilted his head a bit.

I do have other powers. but i just don't know how to use that other one.

"that's all he wants... control" he whispers "I saw all this happening to you that's why I wanted to help you, but I only made things worse." He looked at the board guilty.

"Helping me got you tased by papa...i saw..we saw" i breathed out.

His blue eyes looked so sad but he just nodded.

"And it is why you both must escape. today" he stares "but they are watching us, closely." he looked at the camera far in the corner.

I didnt turn my head because I didn't want it to seem suspicious.

"If you want to make it out of here alive, you must do exactly as I say. Do you understand?" He whispered towards us.

I stared back at the board trying to process everything.

I captured his chess piece then looked up at him worriedly "why do you still help after your consequences?...".

"because y/n... i believe in you. you both deserve to be in the real world. it is time for you both to be free from this hell." he whispered.

my breath hitched. he used my real name.

he reaches out something and it looked like he was passing something under the table.

eleven looked a bit.

I slowly reach my hand under the table and grabbed something out of his hand.

as i reached for the item peter caressed my palm softly.

I look at him smiling a bit. I looked down into my hand it was his keycard then back up at him.

He just gave me a gentle smile staring deeply with those blue eyes of his.

This is it.

We finally have a way to escape.


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