21. the clock.

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I gasped and stumbled back. "See what you and 011 have made me? Y/n." Spoke Vecna his voice wasn't soft and innocent like I knew it was supposed to be. It was more echoey and deep. I tried to get out of my trance but it wouldn't work because he kept me in here, now I think about it. I don't think this is my trance anymore.

It's his.

He's possessing me.

"It's almost time for her to join me and together we will take you and you..will happily live with me, reshape the world like i said before" He echoed. My breath hitched used my powers "GO AWAY!" I screamed as the creature flies across the trance.

I shot my eyes open and screamed "NO! no!" I sobbed looking around as both of my nose bleeding profusely, trailing down my nose. Steve was alarmed and jumped in the back seat.

"Hey! hey shhhh what's wrong?..." He quickly held my arm softly. I was still panicking looking around frantically. My breath was shaky as I looked at Dustin and Steve. They looked so shocked and scared. Steve was mostly worried.

"Vec...Vecna" I breathed out looking at Dustin "I talked to him... he-he said he was going after her...I don't know who he is talking about. I'm- I'm-" I panicked "hey hey breathe y/n breathe" Steve spoke worriedly "how in the hell did you even contact him" dustin spoke confusedly.

"Dustin your not helping!" Steve exclaimed "No no it's fine uh i-I'll tell you guys later" I slowly calmed down. We then saw max coming out a bit rushing to the car. Steve quickly hit out from the back and went to the drivers side.

"What's she say?" Dustin asked.

"Nothing just drive" max spike and looked at him worried "Omg what happened?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Long story short I will tell you later" I spoke while wiping my nose with a tissue.

"Nothing?" Steve asked.

"Steve, drive!" Max shouted irritated.

"Okay..." Steve drove off to the school. "Dustin. It's Lucas do you copy? Dustin" a statically voice came through dustins walkie talkie.

"Lucas? Where the bell have you been!?" Dustin replied sternly.

"Just listen, Are you guys looking for eddie?" Lucas spoke while breathing heavily.

"Yeah and we found him, no thanks to you" dustin rolled his eyes a bit.

"You found him?" Lucas asked as his voice brightened up.

"Yeah at the boathouse on Coal Mill Road. Don't worry he's safe" Dustin replied.

"You guys know he killed chrissy, right?" Lucas spoke.

"That's bullshit, Eddie tried to save chrissy" Dustin replied again annoyed.

"Then why do all the cops say he did it?" Lucas questions again.

Dustin was going to reply until max leaned in and reached for the walkie talkie "Lucas, you're so behind it's ridiculous okay? Just meet us at the school we will explain later" Max spoke.

"I-I cant. I think some real bad shits about to go down" His voice was quiet and soft.

"What- What are you talking about? What bad pshit?" Max asked confused but also worried. We waited for him to reply but it seemed like he turned it off.

"Lucas? Lucas?" Max called out in the walkie talkie. We all looked at each other and knew that this was going to be real bad.

We arrived at the school and were speed walking in. We have lost max because she sped off first to ms kelleys office. I started sprinting a bit towards the office as I shine my light at max as she was rummaging through the files drawer.

I looked over and saw Chrissy's file and Fred's "holy shit" max mumbled. Dustin and Steve looked over "You found it?" Dustin asked as they walked towards me and max. "Yeah, and not just Chrissy's file. Fred was seeing ms Kelley too" Max looks at us while holding Fred's files.

I did not like where this is going.

Max sat down and started looking through Chrissy's file. I started reading along what ms. kelley wrote for Chrissy's problems I saw something that was in common with Fred's "can I see Fred's files?" I asked as steve passed me Fred's files.

I look through his paper and looked back down at Chrissy's paper. I froze a bit and max did as well.

Suffering from past trauma.

Severe headaches.

Constant nightmares.


My eyebrows furrow until I heard a clock chiming. I turned around slowly, max as well "max...." Spike an echoey voice. Vecna. We both walked out to the hall as I shined the light down the end of the hall. There it was.

A clock stuck into a wall as it ticks then it chimes. My breath hitched and stopped max from walking any further I started walking towards the clock. It chimes again. I take a closer look. "Max...." Lastly spoke a voice.

I flinched a bit and looked around. Then snapped back to reality, we were back in ms kelleys room. I shot open my eyes and my nose was covered in blood again I felt weak and stumbled back trying to catch my breath. Steve caught me and was worried as he shakes my face a bit "y/n!... y/n?" He called out.

I looked up and looked over at max. Now I know who, her was. No max, no. I stood up slowly "thanks.." I thanked Steve then walked to max "and you didn't tell me... tell us?" I spoke.

Max just sat there "you saw already. I told you now so happy?" She sternly spoke and got up walking down to the hallway where the clock was supposed to be at. I breathed heavily wiping my nose pacing trying to figure out what to do and how to help.

Robin and Nancy got here in time and stood behind max as she was just flashing the light at the blank wall. "It was here. Right here." Max exclaimed as she was still pretty shaken.

"A grandfather clock?" Nancy questioned. Max just nodded. "It was so real.. and then, when y/n got closer suddenly we just woke up...and y-y/n had blood dripping down her nose. But I'm perfectly fine no nose bleeds. But... y/n" she spoke.

"It was like they were in a trance or something. Exactly what Eddie said happened to Chrissy" dustin spoke. Max turns back around looking afraid "that's not even the bad part..." She spoke then started speed walking to the room again.

"Fred and chrissy both came to ms kelley for help. they were both having headaches, bad headaches that wouldn't go away and then the nightmares, trouble sleeping. They'd wake up in a cold sweat. Then they started seeing things. Bad things from their past.. these visions, they just they kept on getting worse and worse, until eventually..." Max spoke as she held back her tears.

"everything ended..." I whispered while staring at the ground. Robin looked up at me "Vecnas curse" she said "Chrissy's headache started a week ago, Fred's, six days ago, I've been having them for five days," max spoke as tears slowly fall down her cheek.

"I've been having mine for 3 days now.." I whispered. Everyone looked at me shocked "You too?" Dustin exclaimed quietly. I looked at him and nodded licking my lips in stress.

"I don't know how long I have neither does y/n. All I know is that, for Fred and Chrissy they both died less than 24 hours after their first vision and I just saw that goddamn clock, so" Max breathes shakily. I hugged her softly as she sobbed quietly in my arms.

"There is no way vecna will reach you....I promise to protect you, all of you guys. Even if el isn't even here I know she can help somehow. She should know by now that we are having trouble in Hawkins. Mike and will too..." I spoke.

"Cant you just teleport?"steve asked "I don't have enough stamina for that...it's like something is draining me I seriously don't know what is draining me..." I spoke as something hit me "the blood..." I whispered.

"It's who...that's draining you" Dustin spoke finally realizing.




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