9. accuse.

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I was sitting in the rainbow room trying to put puzzle pieces together while thinking.

I grab some of the pieces and stick them together then finished the puzzle and smiles a bit to myself.

it was a picture of a flower.

I get up to find another puzzle then found one of a bird. I look at it and I fell over on something.

The puzzle pieces go everywhere.

I bruised my knee a bit and looked up. It was 019 or annie smirking "oh? what happened, did you trip? Did you get a boo boo as well" She giggles and crossed her arm against her chest.

I gave her a nasty look and kneeled down picking up the small puzzle pieces. She kicked them out of my hand and I quickly stood up pushing her back. I've had enough of her.

"Hey!" Spoke a voice.

I didnt even wanna look who it was while I stare at annie pissed. She gave me a smirk then faked cried. I looked at her weirdly then just continued to pick up the pieces into the boxes.

Peter stood beside her "apologize twenty" he looked at me.

I looked at annie "leave him alone" I sternly spoke.

"Or what? mind if i just" she runs her hand down to his belt a bit.

My breath hitched and used my powers against her through peter.

peter shook his head and quickly kneeled down picking up the puzzle pieces.

I wipe my blood from my nose and signals her to go away or else. She snarled a bit and walked away.

I sighed then grabbed the box "leave it...i got it" I spoke reassuringly.

He looked at me "it's okay i wanna help.." he scoffed.

I smile a bit then walked to the table I was at. He followed along and sat beside me.

I started putting the puzzle pieces together.

Peter watched me put them together.

I was a little shy being watched by someone. I slowly turned to him and passed him some puzzle pieces " do you want to help me?..." I placed some pieces infront of him.

He smiled gently and shook his head "continue" he spoke and watched me.

I nodded then started to continued putting the pieces back.

I felt a hand slip slowly in my gown. I took a look down at my lap, it was his hand. I flicked his hand a bit.

I heard him wince quietly.

"Behave..." I whispered a bit while blushing hard then putting the pieces together.

He just chuckled a bit.

I finished the puzzle and looked. I showed him.

"Finished" I spoke.

He looked at me and smiled softly then nodded "finished".

the door opened to papa standing there a bit angrily "020!".

My breath hitched and I quickly got up "yes papa?" I look down at my feet.

"Did you hurt 019?" He looked at me with furious eyes.

An 18 year old "snitching" on another 18 year old? please grow tf up.

I looked up at him with confused eyes "i haven't touched her" I replied.

"YOU LIAR!" 019 came in with a big "bruise" on her cheek.

I flinched a bit.

Peter stands beside me "dr brenner, 020 has been here this whole time and she didn't attack 019. Ive been watching over the kids this past hours and nothing happened, sir" he spoke.

I stood quietly looking down at my feet.

Papa looked at us, he looked like he sort of believed us. "019, please try to wipe your bruise" papa turned around to her.

annie scoffed "no papa unless you take her back!" She shouted.

"Wipe it down! Do not make me repeat it" papa shouted.

Never in my life have I heard papa shout that loud. I just look up at peter he was already looking down at me.

I mouthed "thank you" a bit

He gave me that signature smile of his then shrugged softly.

019 wiped off her cheek you could see it was "makeup".

Papa took her out.

Probably getting shocked right now. Which is not good even tho I hate annie/019.

I really want to get out of this hell hole so badly.


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