5. desire. (smut)

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We were dressed into our grey uniforms again as we all watched papa drawing two circles on opposite sides with chalk on a stick.

"Today, we are going to play a game. The rules of the game are quite simple. Stay in your circle. If you leave your circle, you lose. The last person standing in their circle, will get to spend an extra hour of free time in the rainbow room" Papa smiled as the kids were excited.

I stood there quietly. I would rather much hang around in my room then just play in the rainbow room but it is fun when you are in the mood.

"Now, even though we are going to be competing against one another... Two" He calls out "Six".

"I don't want you to approach this any differently than one of our tests. Yeah?" Papa instructed as the guards blind folded two and six.

"Now, this is very important. If you allow anger or emotion to invade your thoughts, you will fail. I promise. Do you understand" Papa stood infront of eleven.

"Yes, papa!" The childrens agree.

Eleven just stayed silent while looking up at papa.

"Good" He walked off.

Six and Two warmed up a bit. "Begin" Papa started.

They both start to fight against each other with their power.

I just watched them seeing how pathetic this so called "game" papa made us do. I saw how six levitated lightly and being pushed back but stood up and started fighting back. But then two made six flung back against the wall.

"Very good, two" Papa comments "Number six, please, take a seat by the door." He asked.

006 sat beside the door a bit upset.

"Five" He calls out.

They all get set up and blindfolded. Two and Five battle each other. Two won then papa asks for the rest of the numbers.

They fight against each other till it was down to me and eleven.

"Twenty!" Papa called.

I nervously exhale then walked into the circle. Peter walked behind me and wrapped the blindfold around my head and tied it then felt his breath a few inches away from my ear "good luck" he whispered as he walked away.

I took a moment to get my breath steady then papa told us to begin. I let my mind clear and started using my powers against two. I have to admit two is pretty strong.

At that moment, I thought I was gonna lose. But I found a memory that made me mad and sad. How papa took me away from my parents when I was 9.

I breath got heavier then I used all my powers making two fly and crash against the mirror. I quickly pulled down the blindfold and looked.

The kids looked shocked and scared.

I looked down at two with a straight face. He looked at me if I was his enemy. I just stared at him while he walked to the other kids were up against the door.

"Looks like we won out two... eleven!" Papa lastly calls out.

I gave eleven a warm smile then placed the blindfold back on. I have no intention to hurt eleven but just try to pretend to look like I'm fighting against her.

"Begin" Papa spoke.

I could feel eleven trying to fight back not wanting to hurt me. That made me smile a bit then I used my powers to make her use her powers to push me fly out of the circle.

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