4. but he doesnt exist?...

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I had fell back asleep after that dream I had. I was woken up by someone speaking to me.

"020, wake up it's time for you get ready for your lessons" Spoke Peter.

I slowly flutter my eyes open then sat up. I looked up at him a bit frightened because no one had ever came into my room to wake me up and I thought it was a bit odd.

He smiled and walked off.

I watched him walk out and slowly got up to slip on my slippers then looked around. I sigh deeply, there is noway out for me now.

I started walking down the rainbow room to join in with the other kids. I opened the door and looked around to see what activity I wanted to do.

I saw eleven sitting infront of a large board with numbers on the bottom and she places a circle piece down the slot as it travels down to a number slot .(IDK WHAT ITS CALLED PLZ TELL ME WHAT IT IS)

I slowly walked over as I saw his gaze onto me. That feeling it feels... off, i think it's just me. I sat down beside her.

Eleven looked so eager to land on the number 3 as I watched her try and try "can I try one?.." I asked gently.

She nodded and passed me 3 of those red circle things. I stood up on my knee and placed one in a slot then looked at it go. It landed it on 7.
Making eleven sigh a bit and quickly drops another one looking at it go.

Eleven face brightens as she saw it close to three but as soon as it landed on 4, she grunts in frustration.

"Which number are you aiming it for?" Spoke a voice behind us.

Eleven looks back. I just kept my eyes infront of the large board since I knew that it was him.

"Three" she replied while looking at the board.

His boots click against the white marble floor as it got closer and closer "you know..." he adjusted his pants and sat himself beside eleven and infront of me facing towards both of us.

"Sometimes, it's helpful to take a step away for a moment." He eyes me and eleven. "Let the mind clear" He looks over at eleven.

Eleven sighed and stood up in her knees to reach the slot.

I stared down into my lap looking at the circle piece in my hand. I felt a cold slight touch of a hand trailing into my gown to my thighs. My breath hitched and slowly looked towards him.

He had a soft smirk on then retracts his hand away from your thigh. I gulp my saliva down nervously as eleven sat back down looking at the piece traveling down to the slots o! the bottom.

She looked eager once again but it landed it on number 6.

"Determined, aren't we?" He softly spoke.

Eleven slouched a bit and sighed.

"You know... you remind me of someone. someone I used to know really well. Can you guess who that is?" He asked and looked at eleven.

I just sat there.

He turns to me and looked up and down at me then slowly takes a circle piece from my hand. I looked up. He just smiled gently like he always does. I felt that tingling in my stomach again.

He draws it back and places it in the lower slot. The number was 1.

"One?" Eleven confusingly asked.

He gave her a slight nod.

"But papa said that he doesn't-" I spoke then got cut off.

"Exist? I know." He turns his head to me with a sharp gaze.

Eleven looked up at the security cameras then looked back down at him.

"But can I tell you a secret?.." He whispers softly.

The way he just whispered made me think that he is going to tell us something bad... horrible.

"Sometimes, papa doesn't tell the truth.." he spoke with a low voice to eleven as I listened in.

"I spent years with 001. Right here. In this very room." He looked away to the wall.

"Where is he?" Eleven curiously asked.

"Maybe we'll save that story for another day. it doesn't have a happy ending, im afraid" He looked at the wall and looked back at us "but he was alot like you guys.. Everything was hard for him. Then, out of nowhere, he walked in here and it was like something had changed" He looked towards me.

"And I asked him what's different, and he said... he said he had figured it out. He had found his strength in a memory from his past, something that made him sad. But also angry."He gazed deeply into my eyes.

My breath hitched again as always.

"Do you maybe have a memory like that?" He looked at both of us.

"Do you remember the day a stranger woman came to see you?" He looked at eleven "This wouldve been when eight was still here..." He adds "the woman. She was calling a name to you" He looked deeply at eleven.

I looked over at eleven and she looked a bit confused.

"That was your mother" He says.

"Mama is dead. She died making me" eleven defends.

"And who told you that?" He tilts his head a bit to the side looking at her

"Papa..!" She exclaimed whispery.

He looked at her giving off a signal.

"Who doesn't always tell the truth..." Eleven slowly spoke out.

I've known that papa has been a liar for a long time now. To my surprise, the mother I saw a few years back who was being tortured was elevens mother.

"This place... and the people here are not what you think." He looked into your eyes again.

My face looked blank looking at him as if I knew all of it from day one of being here.

The door slams open revealing papa.

Eleven and Peter quickly stood up.

As I slowly stood up watching peter closely as I walked in the line. Something was suspicious of him. This wasn't the feeling I normally get when I'm around him but this time it feels very wrong.

Peter stood there watching me closely.

"Good morning, children" Papa smiled then his smile slowly fades a bit.

"Good morning, papa!" The childrens greet back.

"I've got something very special planned for you today, are you ready?" He spoke while smiling.

I stared down to my feet "yes papa...".

"Good" Papa smiled as we all walked out.

Papa seems like he didn't enjoy the presence of peter, did he?



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