24. skull rock.

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It was the next day and we were headed off to see eddie with some extra food nancy bought with her money. Finally someone in the group buys food for once. I was sitting in the back of the trunk with Steve and dustin as Steve munches on the pringles we bought.

I was staring at steve in disgust with quite a judgey face. "Not to be a wimp, but can I sit in the car for this visit cause this is gonna totally and royally suck" Robin spoke to Nancy who was driving.

"It'll be fine" Nancy softly spoke.

"I cant stand to see those dull eyes of Eddie's break again. I really really can't" Robin complains.

I sighed quietly and placed my head back. as much as I love robin, but she talks a bit too much in some serious situations. Everyone was talking and then Nancy slows down "oh shit." She spoke and stopped the car.

I look out the front window and there were police officers, a news car, bunch of people surrounding this area. Now all that clicks in my head was 'Eddie.. what happened to him'. I got out of the car quickly and ran behind the news van looking over.

"Y/n..!" Nancy whisper shouted. I was listening to the police officer speak. "We also identified a person of interest" The officer spoke and grabbed a picture holding it up to the camera "Eddie Munson" he spoke as he had a picture of Eddie.

Everyone was shocked. My breath hitched and heard eddies voice from Dustin's walkie talkie "Dustin, can you hear me? Y/L/N? Anyone?" He spoke panicking. Dustin grabbed his walkie talkie out and spoke "Eddie holy shit. Are you okay?" Dustin whispered a bit.

"Nah man, pretty...pretty goddamn far from okay" eddie spoke and he sounded stressed.

"Where are you?" I spoke in the walkie talkie.

"Skull Rock. Do you know it?" Eddie asked.

"Yeah yeah it's near uh Cornwallis and-" Dustin was cut off "Garret, yeah I know where that is" Steve finished as he raced to the car. We all followed him while dustin finishes his conversation.

We got in the car and started driving. After a few minutes we arrived and hid the car somewhere in the woods area then walked up to skull rock, while Steve and Dustin are arguing who was wrong and right to where skull rock was.

I shook my head in disbelief at their childishness. I walked by myself trying to think and put some pieces together on this vecna. I don't think i should talk to them about the henry creel thing, they would probably find me a gatekeeper of those information but I'm just trying to think of a right time to tell them.

I sighed lightly while continuing to walk. I adjust my jacket a bit while walking until we got to the skull rock. "Bada bing bada boom there she is Henderson! Skull rock" Steve proudly announces.

I walked in through the leaves and coughed a bit. Then looked at the rock "It doesn't make sense" dustin spoke in disbelief while looking at his compass.

"Yeah, yeah even with it staring you in the face you can admit it. You just can't admit you're wrong, you butthead" Steve proudly spoke again. I lightly scoffed until there was a light thud coming from behind me we all turned around.

"I concur. You, dustin henderson, are a total butthead" Eddie spoke while stretching a bit. "Jesus we thought you were a goner" Dustin exclaimed and hugged eddie tightly. "Yeah me too man...me too" eddie said as he pats his back while staring at me.

I slowly walked towards eddie and hugged him softly comforting him. He hugged me back and shoved his face in the crook of my neck breathing heavily. "You smell great, y/l/n" He mumbled. I blushed lightly then pulled away as everyone gathered and Nancy passed him some snacks, beer, a bit of food.

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