18. dont mess with me.

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We were skating for some times now. I started getting the hang of roller skating after many years. I skate next to will as he was looking at el and mike together, i noticed and looked at him "so uh did you and Mike talk at all?" I asked.

Will shook his head and just skated quietly. I felt bad his best friend when he was younger had "ditched him". The couples turned around to us "Should we get something to eat?" Mike spoke. "Sure" I agreed. I love food.

We had sat down in a seat I ordered some fries then we all got milkshakes. We ate and tested each other's out. Eleven and Mike were just arguing which one tasted the best until someone interrupted us.

"Milkshakes? Yum. Where, oh where have you been hiding this handsome thing?" The girl crashes towards our table as Eleven looked terrified and shocked. Mike just looked at Eleven then back at her "Uh.. angela, th- this is Mike, my boyfriend" Eleven struggles.

I took a piece of fry and ate it while looking at the girl. She was the one who bullied eleven. I crossed my arms and looked at her. This girl "Angela" puts her hand out greeting herself as a handshake.

"Heard a lot about you.. it's really cool to finally meet some of el- janes friends" Mike casually talks. Eleven looked down a bit in guilt. Will was going to do something but got caught up.

"Friends? Yeah. Super cool! Come on, friend. Lets skate, shall we" Angela gave a fake smile and placed her hand out "I wanted to finish-" El tried to make an excuse while holding her milkshake but angelas friend took it "Ill hold that" He spoke.

Angela grabs el's hand then walked into the rink. I watched them as will got up "y/n why didn't you defend her?" He complains worriedly. I looked at him "Just give a few seconds. I will be ready to swing if that bitch touches el or bully el" I drank my milkshake.

He scoffed and saw a guy with a camera "oh no.." Will said. I looked up and ate my fry. "What?" Mike asked as he stood up "El, she hasn't been telling you everything." Will spoke. "What are you talking about?" Mike asked "She's lying to you" I replied getting a bit tensed up.

"Bullshit" Mike shouted out in disbelief "How could you say that about your own sister?" He exclaimed. "Listen to me. She's having problems here" Will spoke. "Problems ok what kind of problems" Mike asked again.

I saw el standing in middle of the rink and knew immediately something was about to go wrong then the music goes off as the dj spoke "This next song is dedicated to Jane, the local snitch" He lastly spoke and turned on the spot light for her.

I started skating quickly towards the opening of the rink but it was guarded by angelas friends. I looked at them "move out the way before I make you guys regret it" I deeply spoke.

They laugh if I was crazy.


"Go Home!"

They started mocking her and laughing while circling around her bullying her


The more el looked at them skating around her made her tumble and scream losing her balance.

"She's a little baby!"


Eleven covers her eats and started crying. Mike tried to tell the dj to shut the music down.

"Gonna cry to mommy?"


The dj turns off the music and shouted "wipeout" as Eleven was dumped with her milkshake that was held onto angelas friend.

They all gasped and laugh as el fell on the ground pretty hard. Angela went up to her and bent down a bit talking to her.

This made me tense "I said fucking move" I shouted as the boys blew away and I ran towards Angela. I stopped behind her and turned her around.

Angela was smiling but I slapped the shit out of her so hard knocking her on the ground "you bitch!" She shouted holding her cheek "Am I the one who is the bitch or is that you angela" I spoke. I then got on the ground attacking her as will and Mike tried to pull me off of her.

I got off breathing heavily tearing up in anger. I looked at everyone in the rink "STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM JANE" I shouted then looked back down at angela "especially you little shit" I spoke before leaving the rink sobbing a bit trying to find el.

Where did she go?

Everyone was quiet and didn't say anything as they started getting back what they were doing.

Mike and will followed "Y/n you did a little too much..." Will spoke.

I turned to him and snapped "Did I? Oh did I? They did can you not fucking see!? Teasing her for what!? Being "different"?" I sobbed in my sentence. "Now she's off somewhere I knew I shouldn't have stayed in Hawkins, i thought she was going to be ok will! I really thought but no I let her off and now she's miserable!" I sobbed even harder "now i dont know where she is..".

Will didnt say anything and went to hug me. I tightly hugged him while sobbing my eyes out. Mike rubbed my back comforting me. After a few minutes we were still searching for eleven.

"shouldve told me she was having trouble" Mike spoke while rushing to find her. "I didn't know they were gonna be here Mikey" Will replied "Yea but you knew she was having trouble for a year and didn't tell me?" Mike spoke. "I didn't know she was lying to you" Will said "Which is why you were a douche all day?" Mike snapped.

"I wasn't being a douche" Will exclaimed back."You were" Mike followed. "You guys shut the hell up!" I shouted being sick of tired of them arguing "Of course wIll is going to act like a douche cause his friend didn't even talk to him and greet him politely. You didn't even acknowledge that will was here man" I glanced at mike then walked away.

I kept walking and walking trying to figure out where she was. I looked and looked till I heard screaming then I turned around quickly seeing eleven standing there with a roller skate in her hand. I ran back to her and saw angela bleeding from the top of her nose. I covered my mouth and scoffed in laughter.

However, mike was upset, will was surprised, I was lowkey proud and shocked too. "Oh my god.." Will exclaimed. "Holy shit" Mike spoke "What did you do? What did you do!?".

I could feel Eleven didn't really mean to do it intentionally she just felt mad and upset. I held onto her.

"It's okay... just breathe..."



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