25. lovers lake.

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It has been hours since we walked through the woods. It was pitch dark with some moonlight. Thankfully.

Dustin was navigating with his compass still figuring out where it's trying to lead. I breathed heavily and sweat profusely while walking.

"My legs are dead... I cant do this anymore.." I mumbled to myself while stopping taking a break.

Eddie chuckled as he came from behind me and pats my back "You're doing well, y/n. As long as your with me hun you'll be fine" He spoke with a dimple smile.

I looked at eddie and smiled softly.

"Come one, chop chop let's go" Steve spoke as he walked in between me and eddie then nudged me to keep walking. I rolled my eyes and kept walking.

"That was very mature of you Steve" I exclaimed while following the rest.

"You're welcome" Steve replied and followed along.

I scoffed a bit and shook my head. Until I heard dustin running. It looks like he found it.

"I think we are getting close!" Dustin spoke as almost stepped in the water as eddie caught him before he did "Watch your step, big guy" eddie spoke as he held onto him for safety.

We all gathered around and looks out in the lake "Oh man. You gotta be shutting me." Steve breathed out.

"Yeah, I thought these woods were familiar." Eddie spoke.

"Lover's lake" I spoke while looking out.

"This is confounding" Dustin stated.

"There's a gate in lovers lake?" Max questions.

"Whenever the demogorgon attacked, it always left an opening. Maybe Vecnas the same way" Nancy concludes.

"Yeah, only one way to find out" Steve spoke as eddie removes the tarp from the boat.

It looked like it only holds up to 4-5 people max. The two boys (steve and eddie😍) they both brought the boat near the shoreline of the lake.

They help Robin get in, Eddie gets in, then nancy, I get in while holding Eddie's hands tightly trying not to fall.

I stumble a bit and I felt eddie hold my waist tightly. I looked up at him a bit "Are you okay?" he casually asked.

I quickly nodded and sat in a seat.

Dustin was going to get on until eddie stopped him "Hey, hey, hey you tryna sink us? This thing holds 4 people tops, okay?" Eddie spoke.

"It's better this way, okay? You guys stay here with Max. Keep an eye out for trouble" Nancy adds.

"You keep an eye out" Dustin snaps "It's my goddamn theory" He exclaimed.

"You heard nance" Robin spoke. "Who put her in charge?" Dustin exclaims again.

"I did" Robin finishes.

"Compass" Nancy placed her hand out as Dustin rolled his eyes and passed her the compass pouty.

Steve got up and slid the boat out as he hopped in.

"You said three!" Dustin shouted.

"Sorry.." Steve whispered as Robin and I oar the boat while nancy navigates with the compass.

"Bed time at nine kiddos! Miss you already!" Robin lastly spoke.

I could see dustin flick us off. I lightly chuckle and looked around the lake.

There wasn't anything that made us shocked or whatever.

We kept oaring until nancy spoke out "Woah woah woah woah, slow down guys". Me and Robin stopped oaring and turned to nance then looked at the compass.

The needle was spinning uncontrollably and was like everywhere.

"Woah.." Steve spoke out.

"Guys what going on? Cmon guys talk to me, what's going on?" Dustin spoke through the walkie talkie.

"Uh, dustin your compas has gone from wonky to wonky with a capital 'aah'" Robin replied.

There is a gate down there. It has to be there. Steve was taking off his socks. "Steve what are you doing?" Nancy asked suspiciously.

"Somebody's gotta go down and check this out. Unless one of you 4 can top being a Hawkins High swim co-caption and a certified lifeguard for three years, it's gotta be me. No complaints, all right?" He spoke as he stood up.

"I worked as a lifeguard too.. you know that?" I looked at Steve confusingly.

Steve blinked dumbfounded. "Hey I'm not complaining, I do not wanna go down there" eddie spoke as he starts talking out a bag dumping everything whats in it and wrapping it around the flashlight.

Steve took off his shirt. I looked up at him a bit and woah dawg woooaahh. I took my hair tie out and wrapped it around the bag to tighten it. All my hair fell down to my shoulder.

Eddie couldn't help but stare. I looked at him a bit nervously "what is it?" I asked. "Never seen your hair down most of the time.." He spoke and passed Steve the flashlight.

"Good luck." He spoke again to steve this time.

I chuckled a bit at eddies comment. "I'll be in contact with you if you need help" I spoke.

He nodded as he dived in the water. Eddie was about to light a cigarette until Robin snatched it away from his mouth and threw it in the water "gross" She said.

Now the four of us sat there quietly timing him. I sighed quietly and ran my hands through my hair. It's been 2 minutes now.

"Where are we at wheeler" Robin asked.

"Closing in on a minute" Nancy replied.

I nodded a bit looking around. We sat there in silence until a huge splash of water hits us. I screamed a bit from being startled.

"Christ!" Eddie exclaimed.

Steve was there swimming "I found it" He said.

"You found it?" Nancy happily spoke.

"Yeah I found it" Steve holds the edge of the boat trying to catch his breath.

"Dustin you are a goddamn einstein Steve found the gate" Robin spoke in the walkie talkie.

Then I felt something a cold feeling that hit my body. I froze.

"It was pretty wild. It's more a snack-size gate than the mama gate, but still, it's pretty damn big" Steve breathed out until something pulled him a bit making him dip his head in the water and back up.

Steve looked alarmed then was dragged fully into the water.

We screamed "Steve!" Nancy was really worried and scared as she kept screaming for his name.

Robin and Eddie were freaking out panicking. "Just wait here" Nancy didn't waste any chances and dived in quickly for Steve.

"Nancy!" I shouted breathing heavily.

Robin sat on the edge of the boat "Wait wait wait what are you doing she said to wait" Eddie spoke to Robin.

"Yea I heard her" Robin replied. "She's in charge" Eddie exclaimed.

"Are you kidding me? I made that shit up" Robin lastly spoke and dived in.

"Don't go! Goddamn it! LYING SON OF A BITCH" Eddie shouts and turns to me.

My breath hitched and stood up. "No no no no no no, y/n no stay with me up here please" Eddie begged as he held my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

I smiled while breathing heavily trying not to laugh and tighten my grip "This is only the beginning, love" I lastly spoke.

"NO NO Y/N NO!" Eddie shouted.

I laughed and I made us both dive in the lake heading to the gate.

Here we go.



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