27. the gate.

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We have arrived at the wheelers house after a long ass walk. Nancy opened the door as Steve shines the light and she walks inside slowly looking around, admiring how it is now.

I looked around. Something feels off and different about this house specifically. "Might be time to get a maid, Wheeler" Robin sarcastically says.

"Come on. I don't want to stay here longer than we have to" Nancy spoke and started heading upstairs. I was still mesmerized by the house, as soon as I was heading upstairs I heard Dustin's voice.

I stopped my track and looked around "dustin?.." I whispered lightly. Steve heard as well and flashed his light everywhere. I walked back downstairs and started looking around frantically seeing if there was another gate in the house.

"Y/n, you hear that too or am I going crazy" Steve asked reassuring.

I shook my head quickly "Dustin!" I shouted a bit while trying to find a gate still. I checked one last time but there was nothing.

"DUSTIN! DUSTIN?" Steve shouted loud as it echos. I looked around. I heard footsteps rushing down the stairs. I looked over at them "Dustin..." I exhaled.

"Steve what are you doing?" Nancy asked.

"DUSTIN CAN YIU HEAR ME? HELLO?" Steve kept shouting until he saw the rest and flashes the light towards them "He's here. Henderson. That little shit he's here he's like here.. he's in the walls or something. just listen" Steve pants a bit.

Everyone looked so confused for a minute till they heard him then started calling his name. They looked around to see. "Is there a gate?" Nancy asked frantically.

"I looked, none" I replied while walking to the dining room.

"Alright, either this kid can't hear us or he's being a total douchebag" Steve spoke while looking around. 

"Will found a way" Nancy spoke.

"What?" Steve confusedly asked.

"Will. He found a way to speak to Joyce through the lights" Nancy spoke and frantically tried every light switch.

"The switch try the switch" Steve looked over the chandelier as it glows and shines lightly.

"We found it..." I whispered and slowly walked to it. The rest came gathering around the table as Nancy slowly slides her hand through the sparkle glowing light.

"Woah..." Eddie whispered. We then stick our hand in it while playing around. I chuckled quietly at our childishness. "It... tickles" Steve whispered.

"It kinda feels good.." Robin adds while rubbing her hand. I scoffed quietly while staring at it as Nancy thought of something " does anyone know Morse Code?" Nancy brought out.

Steve, Robin, and I all denied. "Wait does SOS count?" Eddie asked. Everyone looked at him "Does that...count?.." He whispered. We all nodded as eddie started tapping against the glowing light.




"It's working" spoke Robin as we all look and waited. We had been signaled to for go nancy room again so we rushed and bent down infront of her bed waiting for a sparkle like the chandeliers.

"Cmon cmon cmon..." eddie frantically spoke.

"You Seeing this!?"

I slowly ran my hands through the glowing light.

There was a loud laughter echoing. I smiled softly and flutters my fingers around.

"We're not moving it, but we're gonna unplug it. Stand by"

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