26. the upside down.

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I coughed out the lake water that went down my throat. I slowly sat up looking around, we are finally in the upside down. I quickly stood up as Nancy and Eddie had grabbed some oars beside them.

We all saw that Steve was struggling with some creature, looks like bats. It was choking him, biting him, eating him. Nancy quickly ran to him and swatted the bats away from his stomach. Steve looked up surprised.

"Hey there" Nancy spoke and Robin steps down on the bat that was choking Steve as Nancy tries to kill it. I saw more coming and I raised my hand using my powers for once. I snapped it in half as I used my other hand exploding the rest.

I breathed heavily and kept snapping everyone of them. A bat came after nancy as I quickly made it stop before it attacked her and exploded it. Steve finally got up and started slamming the bat that was choking him on the ground and ripped it in two. He took a breath and spat blood that was in his mouth on the ground.

I stumbled a bit feeling weak and tired. I wipe my nose as tiny little water droplets fall on the ground due to my hair being wet. "Steve!" Nancy calls out worriedly.

Eddie was in a panic mood right now calling out for jesus. I placed my hand around my waist trying to catch my breath. Robin pat my back "Please tell me you're okay" She spoke assuringly. I nodded "y-you?" I stutter a bit while looking at her.

"Sure, I am perfectly fine" She replied sarcastically. I chuckled a bit and looked over at Steve. I don't think Jonathan would like this. I looked back down to the bat.

"Uh do you guys think these bats have, like rabies?" Robin asked as her breath was a little shaky.

"What?" Steve spoke as if Robin was asking a stupid question. "It's just that rabies are like my number one greatest fear and I think we should probably get you to a doctor like really soon because once symptoms set in it's too late. You're already dead" Robin rants out.

I breathed and shook my head as we heard more bats screeching and flying towards us. Everyone hid behind me besides Steve. They were heading down to the gate where we came out of. I think they are sealing it shut. Thats not good.

"Alright there's not that many. We can take 'em  right?" Eddie whispered a bit. Until there was a swarm of a screeching and flying towards us. "Yeah great Idea eddie, great idea" I breathed out sarcastically. Nancy then exclaimed as she ran "The woods come on".

We started running behind her as I catch up feeling too tired to even run. We ran into the woods and bumped into skull rock as we hid under it.

I crouched down quickly while shaking a bit and my breath being unsteady. Eddie saw and held my hand softly. I wasted no time and latched onto his hand and gripped onto it tightly. Not so tightly where his hands break.

We look up as the bat crew flew above us. After a few minutes we slowly walk out from under the rock. I heard steve curse under his breath as I shot my head towards him. He stumbled against the rock painfully.

Nancy worriedly walked over to him and tried to help him. Robin then started her usual talk "So the good new is that im pretty sure wooziness if not a symptom of rabies but um if you start having hallucinations or muscle spasms or you start feeling aggressive like you wanna punch me let me know" Robin spoke out.

Nancy quickly tore a piece of her clothing and started making a large bandaid out of it. "Robin...." Steve mumbled out in pain "Yeah?" Robin answered. "I kinda wanna punch you" Steve spoke. Robin laughs nervously "Sense of humors still intact. That's a good sign" She spoke.

Nancy then bandaged up Steve's torso as he was holding in his groans. She tied it up and sighed. I watch them get a hold of their eye contact and smiled a bit then looked away towards eddie. He was climbing up the rock looking out from a distance.

"So uh, this place is like hawkins but with monsters and nasty shit" Eddie concludes. I walked over to steve and help nancy carry him out "Pretty much" Nancy replied. I slowly ran my hands around his torso softly and closed my eyes. I started healing him as some gold flowing sparkle shine around his wound areas.

"y/n...no...you're draining yourself" Steve gripped my wrist. I slowly opened my eyes and exhaled "Your wounds is lightly closed up but not all the way so watch out for that." I spoke and slowly let him go giving him to Nancy.

I looked over back at eddie as he was about to step down from the rock "Watch out for the vines eddie!" I accidentally screamed. It caught everyone's attention "Yea be careful it's all a hive mind" Nancy spoke.

"It's all a what?" eddie asked.

"All the creepy crawlers around here, dude. They're like one or something. You step on a vine, you're stepping on a bat, you're stepping on Vecna" Steve stated.

"Shit.." says eddie as he slowly walks down the rock being mindful of the vines. I scoffed looking at him. He's so gentle. "But everything from our world is still here, right? Except people? Obviously" Robin asked.

"As far as I understand it, yeah" Nancy answered.

"So theoretically we could go to the police station and steal guns and grenades and whatever we need to blow up those bat things that are guarding the gate" Robin spoke.

I gave her a cringe look a bit "Grenades?" I asked.

"I highly doubt the hawkins pd has grenades, Robin. But guns, yeah, sure" Steve stated.

"Well, we dont have to go all the way downtown for guns. I have guns in my bedroom" Nancy spoke.

Eddie steps down from the rock and spoke "you, Nancy wheeler, have guns, plural, in your bedroom?" He asked.

"Full of surprises isn't she?" Robin scoffed lightly.

"You saved those guns from when will went missing?" I asked her.

Nancy nodded "a Russian makarov and a revolver".

Steve walks up "Yeah, you almost shot me with that one" He looks at Nancy.

"You almost deserved it" Nancy gave a light smirk looking at him.

I shook my head and flinched until eddie threw his Jean vest that he had on to steve. "For your modesty, dude" Eddie spoke.

There was a quiet moment until the ground started violently shaking like an earthquake. I collapsed on the ground as eddie fell on top of me. He held onto me tightly as I held onto his arm. I breathed heavily and looked at him.

He looked back down at me then back up at the sky while my head was in his chest trying to catch my breath. "Yeah so guns seem like a pretty good idea to me" Eddie casually spoke.

"Yeah...me too" Robin agrees.

"So what are we waiting for?" Steve spoke as he walked off to The wheelers house. Eddie got up quickly and helped me up. He held my hand and started following them.

It's been a few minutes walking in this hell hole . I was following them while looking around behind everyone since I wanted to be by myself for a bit. What's freaky is that I haven't been underneath his trance ever since I got here in the upside down.

Did he not care about me anymore? Did I pass him? Questions run through my mind and I accidentally ran into eddies back because he stopped walking with Steve. I groaned and flip my head back a bit. "Ouch.." I breathed out holding my forehead.

"Oh princess, are you okay?" Eddie turned around worried. I nodded "Yeah yeah, im fine don't worry please keep walking" I whispered as they walked and didn't followed them.

Princess? I felt my cheeks heat up a bit. Then the ground shook again but this time was worse. I stumbled trying to keep my balance up until it was over and I heard Robin call Nancy's name multiple times.

Uh oh hope nothing went wrong. I quickly ran to see what's going on. Nancy was fine she was looking out seeing her house from a distance. We all stood there together looking.

"Come on" She spoke and started heading off.

We all followed her. Let the adventure begin.



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