7. love marks.

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I was in my room laying on my bed staring straight at the pattern of my gown. I really don't want to be here anymore after what I saw with what happened with 002.

It was something traumatic thing I've seen.

Not only that crossed my mind peter said something that made me feel anxious. How does papa know that I had a full on make out session with peter.

I shake my head slowly disappointed while hugging my knees.

There was a knock on my door then it opened. I was afraid that it was papa.

Nope a bit glad that it wasn't papa.

It was just peter.

"I sneaked my way in so don't be too loud" he spoke and sat down on my bed.

I didnt look at him.

I didn't want to look at him.

"Hey is something wrong?..." He whispered softly and scoots closer towards me.

I pull my legs back a bit and just nodded.

He chuckles and looks down into his lap "are you embarrassed that papa figured it out too?" He asked.

I looked at the tiled wall.

He slowly scoots closer.

I back up slowly again.

"Stop moving away from me" He gripped my legs and pulls me towards in his lap.

I gasped a bit shocked of what he just did "peter i dont think it's a good idea anymore to keep seeing me...i dont want you to end up hurt" i looked deeply in his eyes.

He looked back at me "I know your afraid and worried but i chose to be with you" he spoke.

I smiled a bit.

He smiled softly then kisses me passionately.

I kissed him back and run my hands through his blonde hair.

He held my waist and pulled me closer to him while kissing me deeply.

I felt his tongue enter through my lips. He ran his hands underneath my gown exploring everything underneath.

He slowly trails down to my neck and start giving some wet kisses then starts sucking on it slowly.

I closed my eyes and placed my head back to the side a bit.

He starts creating hickeys.

"you know papa will see this right?..." i whispered in his ear.

He smirks against her skin and kept going.

I giggle a bit and bit my bottom lip.

He slowly pulled away and looked at my neck "atleast they know you belong to me.." he kisses me one last time and hooked his warm hands around my waist.

I smile and kissed him back. He quickly pulls away.

"You get to have a private lesson with me around 4 dont forget" he gets up and winked then walked off.

I felt a huge massive heatwave hit me. This made me blush really hard. I took a deep breath then slowly got up.

I was playing in the rainbow room waiting for the time to pass by. I was playing chess with 017 and I beat him to the game.

It was already past 4:00 and im already late "oh shit..." I cussed at myself then started speed walking to the room I was supposed to have my lesson in.

I walk inside. I look around trying to catch my breath. No one was here though? Is he trying to trick me?

"You're Late..." Spoke a deep voice from behind. I turned around quickly.

"sorry... i got caught up in a game. So what lesson have you planned?" I asked trying to change the subject.

He slowly walks towards you with his hands behind his back. I look at him nervously.

He placed some wires on my head. I sighed in relief quietly. thank god i thought he was going to do something wrong.

He pulls me to sit down in the chair as he slowly backs up then stands there in his pose.

"What we will be doing is just some practice with your powers. Can you think of a memory that made you angry?" He looks at me as he placed a tissue box.

I slowly nodded and looked at the box of tissue.

"Good.." He stands quietly "now I want you to start and try to flame up this box of tissues... can you do that for me?" He spoke softly.

I took a deep breath and slowly nodded.

He gave me a look to start.

I closed my eyes concentrating. I have flashbacks when papa took me back to the lab we are in now. My breath started to hitch and tried not to cry in anger cause that's what I do when I'm angry.

I glued my mouth together trying not to cry. Blood drips down my nose.

"Don't force yourself..." He slowly spoke.

I gave up on myself and stopped while opening my eyes looking straight down to the ground.

He slowly walked towards me and bent down infront of me.

I shut my eyes tightly sobbing quietly looking down at the floor, gripping the hem of my gown.

He lifts my chin up slowly "hey.. take it easy... don't be so hard on yourself..." he slides his thumb across my cheek wiping my tears away.

I sniff and breathed out.

He slowly leans in and i could feel his hot breath against my lips.

"It's okay...I really do understand, try not to think of it as a big deal to take in even though it is a big deal, but learning your lessons try to make it seem less.." he smiled softly against my lips a bit.

I gave him a weak smile and slowly nodded.

He backs away and stands away from her "now do it again.." He asked.

I exhale then closed my eyes and concentrated.

It took me a few minutes to get it right and immediately set the tissue box on fire.

Peter quickly grabbed the fire extinguishers and sprayed it on. He say it down on the floor and looked at me.

I looked at him "sorry" I smile a bit.

He smiles softly "you did good... what a good girl." He seductively spoke.

I froze.


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