14. eversince.

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It's been 5 years and something months now.

Me and Eleven have escaped from the lab and papa. We are now fully capable of doing stuffs on our own.

We have fought some things that are called from "the upside down". Eleven is now 14. I have turned 25 last month.

I started high school again but in my senior years. I've meet pretty great people.

Mike, Lucas, Dustin, Steve, Nancy, Jonathan, Joyce, Murray, Erica, and Will, but Will and Jonathan decides to move to California. Eleven chose to go with them since she needed time to heal from Hawkins.

I understood as she left ever since.

I started developing a tiny crush on this one guy. His name is Eddie Munson.

He is the lead team of the hellfire club. A DND game play.

Things have changed in Hawkins. A lot.

I lean against the kitchen counter looking at the badge peter had left me with before he turned evil.

I stared at it and clutched on it.

God I miss him so bad..

Is it a bad thing to miss someone that bad who had murdered a whole bunch of kids in a lab?

Yes. Most definitely is.

I sighed then placed it on my dining table. I live alone in a 2 bedroom apartment.

It wasn't so bad.

I heard a honk signaling it was steve.

"shit!" I quickly grab my stuff and filled my essentials.

I grabbed a water bottle then grabbed my keys locking the door behind as I ran to his car sitting in the back seat.

"What took you so long, y/n? We are going to be late" Steve complains.

"Yeah we will be if you don't start driving" I snapped back.

Steve rolled his eyes and started driving.

Robin in the passenger seat trying to get ready in a rush.

"Then there's Heidi tomorrow night, but the problem with Heidi is that she's going out of state for college. Do I wanna start another relationship that has no point then than sex? I mean, I don't know. Does that make sense to you?" Steve spoke towards robin.

I butted in "having a relationship where you are just having sex?" I replied while fixing my necklaces and hair.

"I mean I'm trying to have...fun.... ykyk" Steve went quiet a bit "What do you think Robin?".

Robin was concentrating on their mascara.

"Robin, are you listening?" Steve shouted a bit.

"Uh, yes. Uh- uh-" Robin stutters.

"What did i just say? What did I say?" Steve interrupts.

"Something about sex with Linda" Robin spoke.

I cackled a bit in the back seat trying to tie my shoes.

"No! I'm talking about Heidi" Steve groans in frustration

"Cut me some slack, please!" Robin exclaimed.

"Well-" Steve was cut off.

"You love life is one of labyrinthine complexity. And it is 7:00 am we have the stupid pep rally, and I woke up looking like a corpse" Robin stresses out.

"You're worried about a basketball pep rally? Expect to believe that?" Steve snaps back.

"Yeah? So?" Robin asked

"So we both know what this is about ok? Not buying that. This is about vickie." Steve portrayed.

"Ooooooo" I spoke in the back.

"Absolutely not" Robin turned to me.

I chuckled.

"It is. You know what else?" Steve spoke.

"I really dont care" Robin said as she was cut off again.

"You really gotta stop pretending to be someone else when you're around her, ok? You just gotta be yourself" He speaks while driving.

This is like a morning routine going to school like this.

"She returned Fast times pause at 53 min and 5 sec. Do you know who pauses Fast Times at 53 min and 5 secs?" Steve asked.

"Oh god dont say it" I spoke out.

"People who like boobies, guys!" He shouted.

"Ew! Gross. Don't say boobies!" Robin exclaims.

"Boobies! Not a big deal, okay? I like boobies, you like boobies, y/n likes boobies! Vickie likes boobies" Steve mentions again.

"Sure" I replied.

Robin just shook her head in disappointment.

I sat there laughing a bit finished getting ready as he pulled into the school.

Steve dropped both me and Robin off "thanks steve" I thanked.

"Yea no problem next time there is a fee!" He shouted.

I rolled my eyes and slammed his door then walked out, walking to the gym.

I saw max walk towards me as we walked together.

"hey" she greeted.

"hey" I greeted back with a small smile.

Max has been quiet ever since her brother billy died.

During the 4th of july last year. It was pretty chaotic.

But besides that someone was calling max I looked over and waited for her as she talked to the guidance counselor. Ms. Kelley.

I stood there looking around as I saw someone in the woods standing.

I squinted my eyes a bit.

That pose.

Is that peter?..


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