3. peter?

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It was 4:35 pm as I looked at the clock in my room. I sat there for some quite a while now just thinking and making plans to escape, if I even can.

While I was thinking I came across that I never asked for that blonde guards name. I shrugged and sat on the edge of the bed swinging my legs slowly back and forth.

A knock intruded my mind but I didnt look up just continued to stare at my feet.

"020?" Spoke a familiar voice as he walked in.

I slowly looked up and saw him sitting down on my bed next to me. I slide a bit over since we were really close and I felt a little uncomfortable with him.

He looked at me " how are you?" He asked softly.

"okay" i replied quietly taking a glance at him then played with my fingers.

He nods and looks off at the door "it wasn't really a smart move to escape at this time you know?..".

What did he mean by that?

"What do you mean?" I asked.

He turned his head slowly looking at me with a deep gaze " papa and his guards always knows".

I stared in his eyes still confused.

He smiled a bit then his hand was placed over my two cupped hands together.

His hands were warm, soft, long, and big.

My breath hitched.

"Do you have a name?" He asked while his hands was placed on my hands in my lap.

" y/n.." I spoke nervously.

He stares at me " It's a pretty name..." he smiled "I'm hen- peter ballard, just call me peter".

"Peter..." I mumbled out slowly.

"Yes?" He replied softly as he comes near you.

I looked over and notice that our faces were almost close about 6 inches apart.

I saw him look into my eyes and look down at my lips then back up. My breath became a little uneven. My heart beats faster than before.

He smells nice, smelled like fresh laundry scent with a hint of vanilla.

He gave a light chuckle then stood up with that pose of his again.

"See you later, 020" He placed a innocent smile again as he walked out closing the door behind him.

I blinked then tried to catch my breath processing everything that had happened. I placed my hand on my heart and it was beating really fast.

I felt something in my stomach. It tickles a bit. Never had this before. It was something new.

A new feeling.

No. No way.

As time passes by it was dinner time. Everyone got up to eat in the cafeteria. I grabbed my tray and looked at the food disgusted.

"How are the kids here eating this shit..." I spoke to myself while walking to a table where eleven sat there by herself barely touching the food.

I sat down beside her and smiled " are you not hungry, 011?" I asked.

She shook her head and pushed the tray away.

"Neither am I..." I placed the tray away from me.

Eleven just sat there looking down at her hospital gown.

I felt bad but there wasn't anything I could do so I just kept quiet and looked around the cafeteria.

The childrens dont talk that much and aren't loud either which is great.

I turned to eleven again then looked at her "you wanna hear a story?.." I spoke.

She looked a bit brightened and nodded.

I smiled a bit then told her a story I remember my parents telling me when I was younger.

Eleven seemed interested and was looking at me while I spoke the story.

"The dinosaur was hungry so it slowly slowly...slowly.... then rawr!.." I exclaimed tickling eleven near her stomach .

She laughed and tried to stop me from tickling her even more.

Peter overheard and saw everything as he smiled secretly while standing and guarding near the walls.


I was just coming out of elevens room after a 10 minute chit-chat feeling a bit exhausted. As I started walking I heard footsteps behind me.

"You should be in bed you know that?" Peter spoke.

"Oh really? I didnt know that" I sarcastically replied while walking off to my room. He followed me because I can hear his shoes click against the floor.

I stopped and the footsteps stopped.

"Why did you stop, princess?..." Peter spoke softly.

I slowly turned around and looked up at him "is there something you need?.." I bravely asked him.

Peter smiled and slowly leaned down to my face "Yes... I do..." He uses his pointer finger to caress my cheek down to my lips.

"It's you" He deeply looked into my eyes.

I gasped for air and quickly sat up on my bed. Then looked around sweating a bit and realized I was dreaming. I wipe my face a bit and breathed trying to calm down. I looked over at the clock 4:00 am.

It was my first time dreaming of him. Why am I dreaming of him? Do I like him? But like eitherway I cant fall for him.

I sat there for a few minutes thinking of what happened in the dream. I kind of wished it was true.

I slowly caress my own cheek to my lips slowly with my eyes closed.

Peter was something else...

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