17. he's in my head.

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It was the next day. Finally a break from school, i woke to a big pounding in my head. I held my head and look at the clock. 12 pm only. I sighed and quickly got up doing my routine. I started packing some stuff in my bag so I can teleport to California where mike and then are at.

I don't think he has landed yet so I'm just going to wait until 2 to see if he arrives till then I will teleport after.

I walk towards my kitchen taking some medicine and making some breakfast. Till I heard voices.


My breath hitched and my glance shot behind me. No one was there. Now im afraid that someone is here. I pulled out a knife tucking it behind me.

I turn back around and there he was standing there with his hands behind his back smiling a bit. I point the knife at him and breathed heavily.

"You're not real... just please get out of my head.." I start to tear up. Peter slowly walked towards me. I leaned against the kitchen counter. He slowly leaned in towards my face.

"You have...hair now....and new clothes" He whispers a bit while playing with my hair. What did he mean by that. Of course I have hair and fresh clothes.

I shut my eyes tightly. I just miss him that much that's why I'm seeing shit. "You're not really real... please get out of my head" I sniffed quietly.

Peter slowly leans back away. I sobbed quietly at the same time thinking it was him. He made me drop the knife and place it on the counter. "I've missed you, y/n...come back to me" He lastly spoke and vanished.

I opened my eyes and tried to catch my breath. I look over at the counter. The knife was still in its knife holder. Was i dreaming?. I touch my cheek, it was dry. I wasn't crying tho. I shook my head and just continue making breakfast.


It was already 2 pm I think Mike had arrived so I grab my things and took a deep breath then focused on their house. I teleported and looked at the house. It seems nice. I wipe the blood with my sleeve, i heard some excitement in the living room and mikes name being mentioned.

I smiled a bit then knocked on the door.

"I'll get that!" Spoke a voice then unlocked the door. It was will. Omg he has grown so much.

Will's jaw dropped a bit, I waved softly "heyyy.." I awkwardly greeted. Will immediately attacked me with a tight hug. I gasped and hugged him back. "You are actually here right? You are kidding me" Will panics a bit.

I laugh a bit "I'm here" I hugged him smiling. "Who is at the door will?" Jonathan walked by and choked "Y/N!?!" He ran down the stairs. "Will move it's my turn" Jonathan struggles to hug me because of Will holding on. I chuckle and hugged Jonathan as he led me inside the house.

Eleven and Mike were standing by the stairs. I look up at the stairs a kinda got emotional, jonathan let go as I ran to el and hugged her. Eleven cried a bit in my arms with joy. I smiled softly and held her close "How are you?" I sniff and look at her from head to toe.

"I'm good, how about you?" Eleven pulled away and sniffed. I smiled and pulled away "I've been great" I spoke laughing a bit nervously because I was lying I haven't felt great ever since I kept seeing peter everywhere. I mostly hope I don't see him this time here in California.

"Oh y/n would you like to go roller skating with us?" Mike asked. "Oh no thanks I'll just stay with Jonathan probably gonna hangout it's been a while you know" I nudged Jonathan as he laughed a bit and nodded. I smiled and heard a honking outside. "That's our ride to the roller rink" Jonathan spoke out.

I turned around behind me "surfer boy pizza?" I questioned. "Oh uh this is my friend Argyle he works for that place and we've been using him for transportation to places we need because my car broke down and I don't have enough money to pay for it so" he shrugged.

"Oh.." I followed jonathan to the van "I'm sorry" I said trying to think of something. "No it's fine really" He chuckles then got in the passenger seat. I sat in the back with eleven,Mike, and will. Eleven was so happy and looked excited for him to be here.

I looked at will and he seemed a bit left out. I scooted next to him "how are you will?" I asked with a warm smile. Will looked over a was a bit surprised "Oh im fine thanks" He exhales quietly with a smile then looked away.I nodded and looked over at el and Mike. Eleven was talking a lot not that it's bad. But she really missed him.

I looked out the window looking at the beautiful scenery. So far so good. No peter.

We have arrived and Mike, el, and will got out. El and Mike held hands together and walked inside. will on the other hand looked a bit lonely. I felt bad and quickly got out the van walking next to will "Bye jonathan I'll see you later after we are done" I spoke, Jonathan knows and was glad that I got out "Alr be back at 6. have fun!" He smiled a bit.

"I thought you weren't going to-" Will spoke until he was cut off "I know but you are a third wheel and I felt bad so here I am" I smiled then walked inside. We grab our skates "Bitchin' right?" El spoke smiling. "Yeah, bitchin'. Do you come here a lot?" Mike asked.

"Yeah/No" Both el and will said the opposite thing. I looked at both of them while walking. Eleven looked at will dead serious as if she didn't want him to say that "Will does not, but I go to parties here. It's a big party place" El spoke as will was trying to deny it but gave up and stayed quiet. I looked at el a bit suspicious.

We sat down and started to put our skates on "Oh i forgot you need socks on" el spoke to Mike. "Oh, shit" mike panics a bit. I chuckled a bit "They sell them at the counter" Will spoke as he placed his skates in. I sat there quietly tying up my laces. "How's you forget about the socks? I mean, since you come here all the time" Will asked sarcastically.

"I don't know. I just forgot" Eleven spoke as she looked back down putting her skates on. "Right" Will sat there "Why do you keep lying?" Will asked "What?" Eleven stutters a bit "Why do you keep lying to Mike" Will asked again. "I'm not lying" Eleven lies. i can tell this time "You're not? You're friends with Angela and Stacy and you come to parties here?" Will spoke.

"I have been to a party here" Eleven spoke "For moms work. Thats not what you implied. I just I don't think Mike's gonna like that you're lying to him. And he doesn't deserve that. When he finds out, he's gonna be mad" He spoke. Mike came back with socks "Ok I asked for vomit green and I got vomit green" He smiled and put them on.

I looked at will them at eleven. She just continued to smile and shrugged everything off.

We went into the roller rink as I fell down on my ass "ouch" I yelped a big. I forgot how to skate now. Will heard me and came rushing back as eleven and Mike left together having their moment. "Are you okay?" Will asked worryingly. I laughed a bit "Yeah forgot how to skate" I spoke.

Will just chuckled "be careful, I'll teach you" Will grabbed my hand and slowly started skating. I grabbed his hand tightly so I don't fall and started getting the hang of skating.

I fell again and we both just shared our moment of friendship from there. We laughed and teased each other like we did when we were younger. I told him about eddie and hellfire. He was jealous and wanted to play dnd again.

Maybe one day will.

One day.


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