And so it begins

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I got out of the meeting and was walking to me office "Hey Jenna," I tuned around it was Ashley. "Hey," I said. "I was wondering since we were going to tour together and the tour doesn't start for a few weeks do you maybe want to go get some dinner with me and get to know each other a little better," he asked. "Yeah, that would be fine. Text me ok," I said and wrote my number in his hand and walked away.
**later that night**
My phone buzzed
Ashley- hey jenna its Ashley
jenna-hey ash
A- wanna go to dinner tomorrow night
J- yeah what time
A-about 7
J- ok see you then.
I walked up to my mom I was staying with my parents at the moment because I just broke up with my boyfriend a few weeks ago and haven't found a new house yet. "Can you and dad watch Zayden while I go out tomorrow night" I asked. "Sure Jenna, but dont stay out to late" she said "mom I'm 25 too old for a curfew" I said. She laughed at that. Man, I was nervous about this date because I knew of Ashley's ways but this was for sure I was NOT sleeping with him.

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