Do you really love me?

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After the park Zayden was hungry and he of course wanted pizza. That boy lives off of pizza. Once I got Zayden into his car seat I got in the drivers side and began to drive. I looked at Ashley in the passengers and smiled. I was driving with my left hand and I slowly held his left hand with my right hand. I got butterflies in my stomach when we were holding hands. Once we got pizza and ate I headed back to my house. Zayden ran inside to see my parents but I stayed outside to talk to Ashley. "I've had fun with you these past 2 days," he said. "Yeah, me too," I smiled. "Jenna, I love you" as soon as he said it not only was I shocked but he shocked himself I think. "I love you too, Ash." I replied and he crashed his lips into mine. I of course kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled away after we made out for a while. "So, does this mean your my girlfriend?" He asked. "Guess so" I replied. "It sucks I live in Manhattan Beach and you live in L.A. its an hour drive for me to come see you" he said. "Well, maybe once we've been together for a while I'll move down there with you" I said. "Can you come Monday while Zayden's at school," he asked. "Maybe," I said teasing him. "Hey Jenna, do you really love me?" He asked. "Yes, do you really love me?" I asked. "Of course" he replied. With that he kissed me got in his car and drove home. I can't believe I'm dating Ashley Purdy. I can't believe my boyfriend is Ashley Purdy

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