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I finally got to Nashville with my family. We rented cars and went to my little brother Mason's house. Zayden was excited to play with my nephew Bentley who was also 5. When we got there I just hugged Mason and I cried hard. My parents were walking to his wife Sam and I talked to Mason about everything. "Are you going to be able to do the tour with all the alcohol around, especially after the funeral?" He asked me with concern. When I was 16 we moved to L.A. from Nashville and I always blamed them for ruining my life. Once we were in L.A. I got into a really bad crowd and started drinking and doing some drugs. After about a year I went to rehab and I was better but had to go back to rehab due to an eating disorder. I was like 18 by that time and then I met Zayden's dad. He seriously wanted to hurt me after I got pregnant and it scared me so when I got out of the hospital after having Zayden I moved out of my parents house because they never wanted me to date him anyway and I was on my own ever since. Over the years I've gotten close to my parents again, but they are still worried about me and Ashley. They think he will make me start drinking again but I think I'll be fine. "I'll be fine Mason just don't worry, I'll be back in Nashville for my birthday and we'll catch up then. But right now I wanna call Ashley," I got up and called Ashley and it just rang and rang and eventually went to voicemail. Well that's odd he usually always answers me.

**Ashley's POV**
I got off stage and was headed to a meet and greet. I noticed my phone and grabed it to text Jenna when I noticed I had a missed call from her. But as soon as I was about to call back I was called to a meet and greet. Finally I called Jenna.
Bold is Ashley and this is jenna
Hey beautiful sorry I missed your call I was on stage.
Its ok I understand, I just wanted to say we made it to Nashville and I miss you.
I miss you too. How are you and Zayden handling everything
Zayden is fine, I'm ok just not ready for the funeral tomorrow.
I understand, its late get some sleep and call me when you get up before the funeral
Ok, bye babe love you
I love you too baby good night
And with that I hung up. Man, I missed her so bad

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