The girlfriends.

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Ashley and I headed to an Italian restaurant for dinner with the guys. Once we walked in I saw Andy. "Hey Andy," I said hugging him. "Hey Jenna," he said hugging me. "This is my girlfriend Juliet, Juliet this is Jenna." "Its nice to finally meet you Andy talks about you enough I feel like I already know you." She said. "All good things I hope" I said. Aftet Ashley and I sat down Jake got there with Ella. I have known Ella for a few months because we did a photo shoot together one time. Yes, I model as well as sing. I hugged Ella and Jake and we all talked until Jinxx got there. I hugged Jinxx and he introduced me to his girlfriend Alice. She seemed very sweet. Then, CC and Lauren came. "About time you get here," Ashley said. I just laughed and introduced myself to Lauren we became friends almost instantly. Dinner went well however I was starting to think Juliet didn't like me.

***Authors note***
In the next chapter you will see more of Jenna's past and even learn about her tattoos!! I hope you guys are enjoying it so far!!! Let me know what you think and if you have suggestions please tell me!

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