I think.....

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Its been about 2 weeks since we got A.J. and everything is working out, A.J. usually sleeps in Zayden's room but every now and then both of them will come to our bed. I guess you could say we officially live with Ashley. It was about 11:30 and I was getting ready for bed. Ash was already in bed, all he had in were boxers and I had my underwear and his t-shirt on. I layed next to him and he kissed me. "So, have you made a decision on the baby yet," he asked. "Yeah, I wanna have a baby just can we wait till after the wedding, because then you'll be home for a while," I said. "Ok my love we can wait till then. I smiled and kissed him. We made out for a while then I broke the kiss. "I'm really tired, not tonight ok," I said. "Fine," he said and turned on the t.v. I watched a little bit of whatever movie he found then I fell asleep.
The next morning I woke up in Ashley's arms. I got up and checked in Zayden he was still asleep with A.J. right by his side. I went to make breakfast but as soon I cracked the egg I ran to the bathroom and threw up, I knew exactly what was going on, I'm pregnant....I think

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