Then the guilt set in

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**Ashley's POV**
I got to the bus and got Ashlynn and changed get diaper then put her in some pajamas. I got her favorite blanket made get a bottle and fed her. I looked into her beautiful brown eyes, they were so much like her mom's. I don't know how Jenna handled 2 kids and a career and still have time for me. Our tour only had 1 month left and by then Ashlynn will be 6 Months old. I couldn't believe it in 6 months I've turned into a dad. After I finished feeding Ashlynn I burped her and then layed her in the bunk with me. I wanted to do something special for Jenna. I wasn't tired yet do I got out Jenna's computer and as soon as I opened the internet I saw a picture of heels that I knew she'd love. I ordered them and had them shipped to the next venue. Right after I got done ordering the shoes my phone buzzed I expected it to be Jenna, but nope it was this girl I used to date. So since Jenna isn't here I went ahead and texted get back and we had a good conversation and we maybe even flirted some I just hope Jenna never finds out.

**the next day**

I woke up at 7 a.m. well that's when Ashlynn woke me up. I have her a bath, put her in some clean clothes and brushed what little hair she had then I put her little pink converse on her. I made her a bottle then propped it up with a blanket in her bouncer then I quickly showered and got dressed. When I got out if the shower Ashlynn was finishing her bottle. I burped her then put her in her car seat and grabbed some clothes for Jenna and Zayden. I grabbed my phone and replied to my text then went to see Jenna.
Once Ashlynn and I got there I put the bag down with Jenna's clothes.
"Hey beautiful," I said kissing her
"Hey babe, they said I could take Zayden home once he wakes up,"
"Sounds good, your clothes are by Ashlynn's car seat."
She walked over and gave Ashlynn a kiss then took her clothes and went to.change. when she came out Zayden was awake so she got him dressed. "Alright ready to go back to.the bus?" I.asked Zayden nodded and with that we went back home. Jenna and I held hands the entire way home and that's when my guilt set in I should have never texted that girl, I need to confess but can I?

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