Ashley and 2 kids

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**jenna and Juliet's text conversation**
Jenna- I'm glad I postponed the wedding till February I couldn't handle it right now.
Juliet- me too I couldn't handle it and its not my wedding,
Your crazy, Juliet
I know, now have Ash babysit I wanna go get our nails done.
I don't know Ash has never been alone with Ashlynn yet
Come on Jen, I'll be there in an hour BE READY!
FINE, see you soon
I went to Ashlynn's room and found Ashley Zayden and A.J. in her room watching her sleep. "There's my men, what are y'all doing in here?" "We are playing with my sister momma," Zayden replied. I sat on the floor next to Ashley, "hey Juliet wants to go get our nails done, could you watch the kids?" "Of course baby, go have fun with Juliet she is your best friend after all," he replied. "Well, Andy is my best friend but I get your drift," I said kissing him on the cheek.
**45 minutes later**
I ran to the door when the doorbell rang. "ANDY!" I yelled jumping into his arms hugging him. "And this my friend is why we're best friends," he said hugging me. "Ashley, get down here," I yelled. "I'm here now go Andy is here if I need help now go bye," he kissed me and I got into the car with Juliet and we were off.
**Ashley's POV**
Andy, Zayden, and I had a sandwich for lunch while Ashlynn slept. And when Zayden was done he ran off to play. "So, how's fatherhood," Andy asked.
"Stressful, but rewarding. Ashlynn and Zayden are the best thing in the world."
"How cute, Purdy is turning into a softy,"
I just laughed and Ashlynn started crying. I went to her room changed her diaper and then went downstairs to feed her. "Jenna and, Juliet have been gone for a while," Andy pointed out.
"I'll text Jenna after I feed Ashlynn," I replied. Just then my phone buzzed.
Hey baby how's everything going?
Ash- good, when will you be home
Soon we're leaving now, do you need anything
Just you my love.
Your too sweet love you
Love you jen
"Well they're in their way Jenna just texted," I told Andy. Man ive never missed her so much these kids are exhausting I don't know how she does it all day everyday

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