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Tonight is the last show. Its in L.A. so its kinda like we're already home. The boys were getting ready to perform. Ashlynn has never seen Ashley in war paint so today we're finally showing her. As soon as she saw Ashley she just looked at him and then when he talked to her she started crying. I held her and calmed her down. After the concert I put the kids to bed and finally crawled into MY bed. Ashley and I talked for hours. I looked at my phone it was 3:32 a.m. "babe, we need to sleep"
"We should but finish your story"
I was telling him about Kyle and about our conversation in Nashville.
"He seemed really really upset that I moved on. Last time I saw him, he was married"
"Then I don't see why he's upset. He moved on you've moved on. All your dreams are coming true don't let him tear you down"
"Its not that he's tearing me down I just I don't know how or what to feel right now. I just wanna be at home with you and kiss, and cuddle and wear sweatpants and watch movies."
"Well......let's so it," he said grabbing my sweats and handing them to me. Then putting his sweats on and turning a movie on. I crawled into bed with him. He put a big fluffy blanket over us while we cuddled and he kissed me. Life was great it really is.

***4 months later***
"Come on, Ashlynn you can do it." I encourage my 1 year old daughter. She's trying to talk and walk its really cool. "Can Ashlynn say daddy, or mommy, or brother?" I asked. She giggled and shook get head no. Ashley and Zayden came back from the store right after that. Ashlynn pointed at Ashley, "Daddy?" She said and looked at me.
"Yes!!!!! In your face, Jenna!!!!" Ashley yelled excitedly. I just laughed as Ashlynn clapped for herself. She was going up way to fast and so was Zayden he's already in 2nd grade. Ashley and I got married a few weeks ago and he adopted Zayden so all 4 of us are Purdy's I just hope that one day more little Purdys well be running around

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