Are we a family?

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It was 4 so I started getting ready. I did my hair in loose curls, put a ring if eyeliner around my eyes with mascara and a light pink lip gloss. I put on a simple button up shirt over my lacy stapless bra and some jeans with my black boots. I put Zayden in a t-shirt with the ninja turtles on it and some jeans and his converse. I grabbed my bag and leather jacket zayden's hoodie. We waited for Ashley and played Wii while we waited. "Mom, is Ashley like my dad now since your marrying him?" Zayden asked. "Well, I don't know why," I asked. "I want a dad but I don't know if he wants me," "oh baby, don't say that Ashley loves you very very much we'll talk to him at dinner about it ,ok"I said. When we finally got to the restaurant we sat down in a booth me and Zay on one side as Ash in the other. "Hey babe, Zayden was wondering if you were like his dad now," I said. "Well, does he want me to be," he asked looking at Zayden. Zayden just nodded. "Then yeah, I guess I am like your dad now," Zayden just smiled at Ashley's comment. This was great the man I loved and my son were finally getting along and from that moment on we were a family.
**2 weeks later**
Ashley and I were looking at houses online while Zayden and A.J. played in the living room. "I want a big kitchen and backyard with a patio so we can have guests over," I told him. "Jenna, can we afford a house like this with possibly 2 kids 2 cars and a house plus bills on top of that," he asked. "Ashley, I got my inheritance from my parents plus your getting payed from your music, I'm getting payed for my music, and I am the CEO of my dads record company as of yesterday we have enough money for everything don't worry," I replied. "Ok I trust you, but we have a wedding and a honeymoon to pay for too," "I know baby calm down, everything will work out, and the house we're looking at is only 4 bedrooms we can just buy it if that's the one we want," "Fine Jenna you win we'll look at the house tomorrow afternoon." He kissed me and we put our laptops up and I cuddled with Ashley. I must have fallen asleep because I looked at the time in my phone it was 6:30 p.m. and Zayden was asleep on Ashley's chest and A.J. was by my feet asleep and Ashley was laying on my chest asleep. The Avengers was playing on TV so I watched it while Ashley and Zayden peacefully slept. So its save to say we ARE a family

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