The talk

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**Jenna's POV**
Me and Juliet decided on December 28th for the wedding. So that ment I only had a few months to plan everything. Tonight I wasn't thinking about wedding plans though. Ashley seemed very distant and he's been acting funny, I just hoped everything was ok. "Jenna, 5 minutes till sound check ok" my manager said. "Yeah yeah I'll be there," I said. "Hey baby, is everything ok you've been acting really distant lately," I asked Ashley as he was changing the strings in his bass. "Actually, I've been wanting to talk to you about something," he replied. So many things ran through my mind he wants to break up or he cheated I didn't know but I tried to stay calm. "What's that," I asked. "Uh, I wondering what you thought about having a baby," he replied. "Wow, well I've always wanted more kids but I wanted to wait till I was in a serious relationship, and I would love to have kids but can we do it now with the tours and everything," I replied. "Yeah, I mean your tour ends in 4 weeks we can start trying then," he replied. "I don't know Ash, that's a big commitment, but I'll think about it ok my love," I said. "Ok baby," he kissed me and I went to sound check. "A baby? I want one I just hope he's serious" thats all I thought for the rest of the day. I decided we would have a baby, but before I tell Ashley about my decision I had an idea

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