Emergency in Nashville

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Everything was going great. I've been hanging out with the guys' girlfriends a lot and its been fun. Zayden is starting to bond with all of them especially Ashley. I have moved out of my parents house and into an apartment that's closer to Ashley. I've been taking to my family back in Nashville and they can't wait for us too perform in my hometown. Especially, my grandparents they always wanted me to become a musician. I was at rehearsal with the band getting ready for tour when Zayden ran up to me with my phone. "Here momma, it won't stop ruining," he said handing it to me. I had 10 missed calls and 4 texts. 2 calls from my dad 5 from my grandma and 3 from my big sister. Me and my sister don't get along so I'm surprised she called. I called my dad back first and I immediately knew something was wrong. "Hey Jen, I just wanted to tell you that me, mom, Luke, and June are going to Nashville because your grandfather is very ill." My heart sunk I can't live without him I just couldn't. "I'm going to tell Ashley bye and me and Zayden will go with you." "What about the tour Jenna?" He asked. "SCREW THE TOUR I NEED TO BE WITH MY GRANDPA RIGHT NOW!!" I said trying not to be upset. "Ok, I gotta go Jenna but Call me as soon as you leave" with that he hung up and I ran to Ashley in tears. "Babe, what's wrong," he asked. "My grandpa is very sick so I have to go to Nashville now," I explained. "I'll go with you for support," he said. "No, stay do the tour I'll join you soon ok I promise," I kissed him and Zayden told everyone bye and I got into my truck and called my dad. "Dad, what's wrong is everything ok? Did he get worse," I asked. "Jenna, he just passed away, your sister just called." I zoned out after that and just sat in my car crying. I wasn't ready for him to leave, I still needed him.

**authors note**
June and Luke are jenna's little siblings by the way. In the next chapter we will explore jenna's past and maybe even find out a dark secret!!

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