Not so bad after all

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Its been a few days since our tattoo talk. Ashley was about to leave on a 3 month tour. I was helping him pack while Ashlynn slept in the middle of our bed. I looked over at her then put Ashley's t-shirts in his suitcase. I felt sadness come over me, I didn't want him to go I wanted him to stay here with me and the kids. I j jumped out if my thoughts when I felt two tattooed arms around my waist "What's the matter baby girl," he asked. I wiped my tears "nothing, just something was in my eye."

"Come on Jen that's not it,"
"Do you have to go Ashlynn said she wants her daddy and so does Zayden, and so does their mommy,"
"I know so I talked to everyone, and the 3 of you can come with me"
"Ashley, I would love to but 2 kids and 6 adults on one bus, I don't think so"
"Baby, me you the kids, and Alice and Jinxx on one and everyone else in another, its perfect. Jinxx and Alice love the kids and their excited, please come with me I need my girls, and my boy,"
"Fine Purdy you win this time," I kissed him passionately. He kissed me back and we stayed like this for a while.
"Can I wake Ashlynn up" Ashley asked
"Nope, she'll be cranky if you do. She's like her daddy she needs her sleep,"
"Your lucky your sexy and I love you"
I rolled my eyes and watched our beautiful daughter sleep. Maybe going with Ash wouldn't be so bad after all

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