The date

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It was about 6 so I started to get ready I put on a black dress, black high heels and I put a ring of eyeliner on and then curled my hair. When I got done it was 6:45. I went downstairs and waited for Ashley shotly after that he came. I opened the door he was in a nice black button up shirt and black jeans cowboy boots and hat. "Jenna you look beautiful," he said. "Thanks, you look great too," I replied. "Well, shall we go," he asked. "We shall," and with that we drove to the restaurant. We got a table and the waiter took our order. "So, mind if I ask you a personal question?" Ashley asked me. "No, go ahead," I replied. "What happened to Zayden's dad?" He asked. "Well, I met him when I was 18 and we started dating and everything was good, right after my 19th birthday he started hitting me. And when I got pregnant the beatings got worse, after he broke my ribs and I was in the hospital he went to jail. He's still there thankfully," I answered "wow, Jenna I had no idea you went through all that," he seemed shocked. "Well, that's the past and I'd can't change it so I only focus on the positive and the present," I said. "So you were 19 when it you had Zayden?" He asked. "Yep, and then I went to college and tried to get a good job to support my son" "what did you go to school for" he asked. "Criminal justice and business," I replied.
**Ashley's POV**
This girl was beautiful and smart and funny. I honestly had a great time with her. And I could get used to her son I'm sure of it but first I have to win his mom over...

****authors note****
I hope you enjoyed this little peek into Jenna's past. There's still a lot to learn about her!!! (The picture is of Jenna's dress)

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