As time went on

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****3 weeks later****
**Ashley's POV**
Things with Jenna were going great. She left Zayden with her parents last weekend and stayed with me and we were inanimate for the first time. She was amazing. She came down to see me today too and was even making me lunch. "Hey babe what do you want to drink," she asked from the kitchen. I walked up behind her and kissed her neck "what are you drinking," I asked. "Water, what do you want," she asked smiling from my kisses. "Water is fine," I said. Jenna was an amazing cook. She made the best Mexican food. I got to learn more about her and her life. She's a very strong independent women and she's different than all those other one night stands I've had.
**Jenna's POV**
Ashley was so amazing he understood what musicians go through. My ex didn't he was an actor and didn't understand my schedule or why I did anything I did. He wasn't ready to settle down like I was, and I'm not saying Ashley's ready to settle down but Ashley is 5 years older than me. Tomorrow we start rehearsing for tour. The tour begins in 1 week. Zayden isn't coming for the first few weeks because of school but he'll meet up with us after school is over. I don't really have a friendship with Ashley's band members but I'm sure that'll change after a while. They know we are together the fans don't but we're going to have to tell them sooner rather than later.

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