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Its been a few weeks since my talk with Ashley and we had a few weeks off so me and Zayden were staying at Ashley's house a lot. "Hey buddy, what's up," I ask Zayden. "Me and Ashley were playing the Wii and I totally beat him at Mario Kart.....twice!!!" He replied excitedly. "Wow good job soon," I replied and sat in Ashley's lap. Zayden was still playing Wii and me and Ash cuddled on the couch watching him. "Hey has anyone ever told you how amazingly perfect you are," Ashley asked rubbing my arm. "Baby, I'm not perfect," "Well, you are to me and don't you forget it," he said kissing me. "Ewwww, grosss!" Zayden yelled, and me and Ashley laughed. "Hey babe, we should start getting ready if we are gonna take Zay to his surprise," Ash said. "Yeah, your right," I kissed him and got me and Zayden ready. Zayden wore a batman t-shirt and jeans. I wore a loose t-shirt and jeans as did Ashley. We all got into the car and headed to Zayden's surprise. "Mommy, why are we hear," Zayden asked. "Well, me and Ashley thought that you might want to get a.pet," I replied. Zayden's eyes lit up. We went into the shelter and Zayden said he wanted a dog so we were looking at all the dogs they had. "Mom, I like this one," Zayden pointed to a small dog that looked like a husky. "Alright, well let's see if he'll let you pet him," I replied. One of the workers come and let Zayden play with the dog for a while. "Does he already have a name," Ashley asked. "Yea, his name is A.J." she replied. "That's perfect, mom" Zayden said. "Yeah, it is buddy. Stay here with Ashley while I go do the paperwork ok," I said. Ashley played with A.J. and Zay while I signed everything.
**Ashley's POV**
I watched Zayden play with A.J. and I could already tell they were gonna be best friends. "Hey dad, oops I mean Ashley look he likes to play catch," Zayden said as he threw the ball for A.J. "cool buddy," I said 'wow dad he actually called me dad, it was weird but I liked it. Maybe the 3 well 4 if us could be a little family.' My thoughts were interrupted by Jenna coming back in
"Ready to take him home Zayden?" I asked. "Yeah, lets go come on A.J." Zayden said. As I drove us home and held Jenna's hand the whole way I realized that I wasn't just in love with her I was head over heels in love with her, and I thought she was the sexiest when she was in sweats just hanging at home. She was just perfect to me and so was Zayden and I'm lucky enough to say that they're mine for the rest of my life...things couldn't get better

By the way the picture is of  A.J.

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